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Everything posted by Xaryjex

  1. I knew I would convert to time line some day, I was hoping it would be my choice. LOL I feel violated by FB now.
  2. you should try to be a really good friend. Then Tell her how you feel.
  3. That is so scary. What kind of Heartless is that? LOL JK
  4. *Random Guy Pulls Out A Gun* I Scream "Kame Hame Ha" Then Scream "Dance Water Dance." *Then With Little results I run away quickly*
  5. Its great the the channel is growing up alittle. Of course there Audience is full of different ages. Stuff that is ok for 10 to 15 year old to see might not be the best for 5 years old, its awesome when they hint at stuff, it makes it more enjoyable for all ages.
  6. I'm out of school Right Now But I'm going off to Collage in the Fall
  7. I Like cooking at home. But I work at a pizza place so I get tired of it at work LOL has any one tried making SeaSalt Ice cream? ITs amazing!
  8. Xaryjex


    Thanks every one for the warm welcome @jiirani Love the signiture
  9. LOL No I'm not looking right Now, I'm trying to make a parody of the Stereotypical hot guy, Um sure I'm open to gay guy oppinions.
  10. Hey Everybody. I need some help from some girls. Ok so this is for a social experiment, I want to know what girl are looking for in a guy, In his appearance, and demeanor. Do you like a guy with long hair? With Tattoos? Piercing? Scruff or clean shaven? How should he dress? Do you like a confident guy? Super Macho? Metro? Please tell me your opinions, it would really help.
  11. Xaryjex


    Ok Thanks I'll have to go check it out
  12. Xaryjex


    Thanks every one for the warm welcome. I plan to stick around for awhile. LOL so where is the busiest bourd with the most happening? Oh Ps @Shana09 love the pic
  13. Xaryjex


    Aw Thank you so much I like your signature its so cute!
  14. Wow your an Amazing artist!
  15. Xaryjex


    Hey Everybody I'm am Xaryjex I love Kingdom hearts so much, My fav right now has to be BBS. I'm very excited about KH3Ds. I found out about this site from a friend on youtube. I'm always on youtube I want to be a film maker.
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