Xion:" I wont give in" ~ Limit KH Days
Sora: "You two play nice!" ~ Land of Dragons Visit 1 End KH2
Sora gasping for air ~ Olympus Colisseum Visit 1 Middle KH2
"Someone" Grasping Aqua's besties ~ Final Episode KH BBS
Hades peeking at Aqua ~ Olympus Colisseum *Aqua* KH BBS
Kairi's Underwear+Ribbon ~ The World That Never Was KH2
Sora trying to grasp Riku's butt ~ Ending KH2
Larxene flirting with Axel (looks like) ~ Floor 3 KH RECOM
and more...
Oh and of course - Aqua's jiggling thingies ~ Throughout BBS luls