I'm quite excited to see axel/lea in KH 3D trailer..It literally brought tears to my eyes to see him enter and say "my name is Lea..Got it memorized?..i feel that his "death " in KH2 was planned so that he can come back with a heart and on the side of light . Just like the secret ending in Coded informing us that if a heartless and the nobody were killed the real somebody reforms and thats how MX can return..So if MX can, im sure Axel and others could....Some on the boards think its Lea from the past but im fairly certain this is post KH2 since Ansems study was like it was left off in KH2..Plus since Ienzo and aeleus(sp?) were seen as well but in their pre-nobody clothing(Lea Still cloaked?),, it seeems to definitely pointing to the present since they would be still wearing cloaks too since they joined BEFORE Axel,,What are your thoughts on this ? Axel is my favorite so I'm so happy to see him back,, hopefully for good ..