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HarLea Quinn

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Everything posted by HarLea Quinn

  1. Making a child run for three hours Nonstop with no water is excessive and very much indeed child abuse.Why else do u think her stepmom and grandmother are getting charged? If you think this isnt abuse please dont ever have children..
  2. I doubt that QF will say anything about anything even if he was starting, finishing or signing the contact even.JMHO
  3. This is a placeholder,,They always do this ..Its not the real date and it never has been with placeholder dates.
  4. I dunno im weird ..Im definitely extroverted most of the time but yet a lone wolf at others..Im fine being alone in my thoughts but also thrive around people..Meh i guess im both .
  5. No thats the scene from the past showing how they became nobodies and were fading away..
  6. Yes yes you are right,, So a suitable punishment for eating a forbidden candybar should be to run for three hours till you die. Yes that punishment fits the crime ..Really ? Theres no way to justify this punishment that this child endured.. We arent talking about a smack on the bottom or grounding here .Shes dead ,
  7. If you think that the little things dont matter , try falling asleep after seeing a spider in the corner of your room xD

    1. Shana09




    2. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn


    3. Shana09
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  8. Roxas can wield two bc of Vens and soras.. Nomura even confirmed that both Roxas and Sora were using the same keyblade at the same time while Sora was in CO in CoM and Roxas was in Days.. This is confirmed
  9. You are missing the point .. Sora can dual wield bc Roxas can and Vice versa..They both have Vens heart when merged anyways
  10. Im pretty sure NA gets it before Europe from what i remember ...even though not by much
  11. this is what most of us have been stating over and over in this thread especially myself..Vens heart went to soras to heal Bc Sora was destined to wield regardless,,Vens heart gave him the ability to wield more than one.
  12. So this means NA will get it bout a week prior to Europe ? so Mid july ? I can live with this
  13. Have you been reading all the posts including mine before you posted this ? I ALREADY stated that ..Meh...This point is moot..Rikus did choose Sora but regardless if this ever happened Sora wouldve eventually had his own .. Read what i posted above..
  14. However ,When Soras heart was born theres a reason Vens heart went to Soras to heal ... It was bc he was meant to be someday anyways.. Aqua herself almost did it to Sora but chose not to bc she didnt want it to come between two friends .. Regardless if Soras originally had Rikus , he woulda eventually wielded his own regardless thats why it went to him when it rejected Riku
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