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The One Truth

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Everything posted by The One Truth

  1. Holy butt firetrucking Jesus. What the hell was that? lol
  2. You know I just not too long ago realize today is Friday the 13th.......REPENT! REPENT!

    1. Shana09
    2. The One Truth

      The One Truth

      I wouldn't say love but I do like the character.


      @Shana09 eh sure why not. lol

    3. Shana09
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. Terra: Ventus, or Snow White. Ventus - Snow White, or Zack. Aqua - Ventus, or Terra.
  4. TGIF man, T.G.I.F.

    1. Shana09


      It's Friday, Friday

      Gotta get down on Friday

      Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

      Friday, Friday

      Gettin' down on Friday

      Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend


      Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)

      Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)

      Fun, fun, fun, fun

      Lookin' forward to the weekend




    2. Shana09
    3. The One Truth

      The One Truth

      I seen that coming a mile away man. xD

  5. Hmm none of them really took me anytime to beat. I usually beat the games in 3 days to a week. (if you don't count 100% beating the games.) But I say KH 1 took me about 3 to a month weeks due to Xehanort heartless or as he is know in the game Ansem. Numbers of forms and die and start all over. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  6. Finally some snow. HELL YEAH! Love snow. ^^ (20 mintues later after shuffling snow) Damn it snow. -_- Oh who am I kidding I love snow!~

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      I hate snow. But we seriously need some up here. 'Cause Canadian winters are not Canadian winters without snow.

    2. Shana09


      lol ik we had we had snow for a stinkin minute once we came out of school xD everyone was going crazy then it stopped and we all were depressed.... i miss the snow =( i want that blizzard to come!!! idk why i just love snow xDDD

  7. I say having a game design class is fun. The teacher is down to earth and is funny, we always crack jokes and reference about movies, games, etc... I know the people pretty well since we are in the same major. Plus we learn to design games!~ (duh!) lol

  8. I saw the trailer for KH 1 when it was coming out for the PS2, and I wanted to play it. But I didn't own a ps2, So years later I got Game Informer, and I saw KH 2 was coming out, I had a slim PS2 and I was determind to get the game. So I pre-order I believe so when the day it came out I bought it. Loved the series ever since.
  9. Here You go and remember to give credit
  10. No not really man. It takes time and things get in the way and like you said they have lives which can cause people to hold off, or make product hard to produce fast, it's called patience sir. I'm sure there are plenty of other things besides TFS you like that you can watch, and enjoy till another new episode comes out.
  11. Nice making the list. You give really good points on why each movie deserves the spot the movie was placed in your list. I seen all these and I agree a lot with you. Though if I were in your shoes I would put Toy Story as number one, and Beauty and the Beast second. But still this is your list not mines, and I say it's a pretty damn good list. One again nice work.
  12. Old school Aquaman yes sucks, but over the years Aquaman has grown more badass.
  13. Man thats just terrible, I know life can get to you but no reason to kill yourself. Please yeah I bet that girl is going to be messed up from this especially at that age..
  14. I say Phantom, having to stop the clock, and use magic all through the battle.
  15. I never played COM but I have played Re: COM and I could say one thing, voice dialogue in the worlds. I felt so bored sometimes in the worlds without voices.
  16. Don't you love when go to your college to get your last book you need because they didn't have them in the day you got your other books. So you have to go when school starts and it's a long ass line because people waited the last minute to get their books. But you don't have time to wait so you have to try tomorrow when you have more free time. Ah just so lovely~ :3

  17. Here you go. Please remember to give credit. Here you go. Please remember to give credit. Thanks
  18. Well that sig was made of me working on effects and images background and tada~ it was made. What I need if you make a request. Image url: jpegs or renders (pngs) Size: Example 450x200 pxs etc.... Text (Optional) Anything else extra: Colors, theme If not filled I can't make the signature or w/e Asbel Lhant from Tales of Graces.
  19. Hello people I just open up shop. So if you would like your own Avatar, sig, button, or to see what's up. Go to this link http://kh13.com/forum/topic/27855-the-truths-shop/

  20. Welcome to my shop. Here you can make a request and I will try to see what I can do. Now I'll show examples of my work. Avatars Signatures What I need if you make a request. Image url: jpegs or renders (pngs) Size: Example 450x200 pxs etc.... Text (Optional) Anything else extra: Colors, theme. Now I can only take a number request so I'll take 4 at a time. (I will also make buttons if you wish) Edit: Important If you want to use my work or I made a request please give credit where credit is due.
  21. KH2 the day it came out in America 2006. Loved the series ever since.
  22. Finally got wireless internet, Thank god, got annoying having to unplug my ethernet cable to my Desktop whenever I wanted to go on Xbox live. ._.

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