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About CstarWithSomeNumberAfterIt

  • Birthday 10/18/1996

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  1. I finally saw the newer DDD trailer... not loving the HQ scenes, claymation look isn't doing it justic.

  2. I learned that instead of being buried your body disappears into many segments of light and flies up into the sky. I also learned that it is possible for your heart to be flung and stored into another person's body. And that one person can obtain up to many different hearts in their system at the same time.
  3. I was gonna post a status, but I didn't know what to say, then I fell off my chair, so now I have something to say... my leg hurts

    1. Paranoia


      At first, i thought that was an arrow to the knee joke lol

  4. KH2: Demyx 358/2 Days: Leechgrave That's it so far, I almost rage quit on a couple other things but kept going.
  5. Oh my god it's middle school all over again O_____O hehe thanks guys
  6. This status thing is interesting, I'm not used to that O_O HELLO!

    1. Koko


      Hello! Welcome to the site! If you haven't made a introduction thread, please do so. (:

    2. Shana09


      hi i like your name ^_^ really long

    3. Paranoia
  7. I missed the H key so I'm just gonna go with that for a title. Hi, I'm cstar! I'm not really new to forums, but I'm definitely new to this forum. Not sure what to expect yet but I'm excited to meet you guys! So uh... some facts... I like bacon, I've only ever played one KH game, but I've watched my friend play 3 so that might make up for that... um... I video edit... err... ...I like pie.
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