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Everything posted by Henne

  1. Please tell me that that is not real. I'm glad that they never allowed tests etc in religious education. But I wonder what they would've looked like. However, there is one thing (at least) that I wanted to ask: What is the religious education in other countries like? Where I live you don't have to take part in it. In most cases you could visit Christian (catholics and protestants) and Buddhism (rather you could). IIRC, we sang, talked about God (duh!) and... that was pretty much it.
  2. I wonder what it will look like. KH2 or BBS? Something that combines both would be really nice. Do you guys think that maybe some of the GoL will be Final Fantasy Characters? They know about Xehanort etc.
  3. It could be like in KH2 - in the last world they could be members. That aside: I guess, Kairi just has to train a little bit more, right? What I would prefer: That you (can) have more than 2 or 3 memebers, but only two will be in battle. So it would be possible to have Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Kairi. And that I could play which character I want. *wants to play as TAV in HD*
  4. Nice, but I still plan to buy a PS4 - sorry, no Spy Box in ma house, yeeeeah~I thought, if one of these games would go to the box, too, it would be FFXV, but oh, well.
  5. This. Plus, I guess, Aqua can explain a few things to the others. Who knows how much Yen Sid and Mickey truley know?
  6. Here is new one: KHIII was announced in 2013 *trolls away*
  7. Maybe it will be released worldwide in the same week?When GameFreaks/Ninentdo can do that with da Pokérman, then Square could and should do this, too.
  8. Oh, sorry, did not know it was not allowed to explain my view of things *le gasp*
  9. I'm fine with a Final Mix as long as it only has teaser stuff for the next saga. They could just add the FM as DLC.
  10. I think, it would help if he would not stay the main character. I have no problem with Sora, but I feel like it would be better for the series if we could get someone else. In the end Sora would be like Goku - too overpowered and overused.
  11. Okay, let's say she sent it to him... how? And why did she not leave herself then? Aside from that, I guess, if Nomura wants to he could just say "Sora can find Ven alone, 'coz heart!" Well, did Yen Sid not find her? Kinda? There was something said in Coded or was it DDD? Sorry, I don't remember the details about it.
  12. That was worth the wait (it was ca 4.00 am, when I saw it over here) Looks nice as far as I can tell. At least I hope it will look like that. I wonder if we have too wait for it as long as we did/do for FF15? *hides*
  13. Yeah, I know that time itself... stopped. So they do not age anymore, but Snow has his fancy tattoo of death (I just want to him dead... there must be a way ).
  14. Linux is still better *hides*
  15. Snow is still alive? After 500 years? Does not even the Death want him? At least he should have been some crystal thing or a monster, so that I can go and kill him... Did I mention that I don't like Snow?
  16. Too bad that there was no (t any) Yuri in it
  17. Yeah. Zelos should have Luke's clothes and maybe Kratos Asch' - I wonder if Sheena will "only" have her old Suzu costume...
  18. I hope they add free-run, at least I can finally use the casino in this game and get Raine's bunny costume *lol* I wonder when they will announce ToX2...
  19. Tales of Symphonia HD http://www.siliconera.com/2013/06/01/tales-of-symphonia-unisonant-pack-announced-for-playstation-3/ will be released next year in the west, yay!
  20. I would like it if Tharja is playable and brining Mewtwo back would be awesome, too. *to lazy to read the other stuff *
  21. I thought, only we as the player/s could see the darkness, while Eraqus might just felt that there is SOMEWHERE something dark - as in Terra. Edit:I am more confused by the whole "Master Xena has gone missing!" - he was there just a minute ago, how can you say that he has gone missing, hello?
  22. Looks better than this Batman two parter which name I forgot.
  23. I guess, that the element "time" and time travel are different things. Sora and co can use a "time freeze" like spell on enemies, too.
  24. Shaun was(?) awesome. I would love to see him again - hope he will be there for IV.
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