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Everything posted by Henne

  1. There are still shops who sell PS2-things? Wow. :ph34r: Wah, ignore my unfunny comment. Hope your family problems will be solved soon. Sadly, I believe, I live to far apart to lend one of mine.
  2. My rabbit is now willed to lick my feet - isn't that just greaaat? - yeah, I am bored!

  3. To annoy people and see the schadenfreude It's even in some pseudo news if a star gained some weight or does wear "ugly" clothes. Really, who does care about something like that? Is that not a wonderful world?
  4. I thought, that the time for his return is just near - because: Why should the war start now? I bet, YX (with his powers he is more like a "Traumanort") is kind of trying to stop this... I dunno why, but he feels "nicer" than the gramps.
  5. Well, Sora saw everyone in the Orga as his enemy - he was kind of douché to them anyway I wonder, if Braig, if he is "real", still helps Xehanort there? I mean, what does he hope to obtain? Is "it" really worth over 10 years of his life?
  6. I guess I will ignore the board when the game is released and come back when I played it myself - spoiler danger is high
  7. Well, if the real world does appear to be playable it does not have to be Sora nor Riku. Think about BBS FM's secret ending. It did show us scences from different time periods - Kairi is still out there and so is Lea (well, at least some time...).
  8. I just think that he somehow can controll the "dreams". If we think about it: He himself is not a "normal" resident of this Realm. I think, that he somehow stranded there and learned to control everything there - more or less.
  9. About Lea: We have not seen a sign of Isa, have we? If Lea gets such a big part the game than Isa cannot be far away! ..at least I hope so They shoul at least give a "Dream Isa", because it does not seem like that all character did return in the same time or even all of them in the same place. People who "died" in CoM would have been restored a long time ago, but where did they go? What other slots?
  10. I do not think that there is another Axel/Lea out there. This was just a thing he (Lea or whatever (Leaxel? ) we should call him now) remembered. I find it interesting that Roxas sais "us" - he and so Lea, because it´s a memeory. kind of remembers Xion. Or at least Lea remembers that Roxas said "us"
  11. With Braig there will be a lot of fun Seems like this game will show much more about Axel than I expected. Hope, he and Mickey will be kind of playable, would be really nice, but I guess not >_> Do you think "this" will be Kairi's only role in the game? Come to Sora and visit him in his "dreams"? I am not a big fan of her, however, it feels kind of... strange to put her aside like that. I hope she will do something, if not coming herself to the RoS, in the real world in order to become stronger/useful.
  12. Kinda like this. I mean it IS the Dream World, so it is possible for them just to be the Organisation XIII. If they are in their "true" forms or Noboy ones... we have to wait and see. And about that red eyed one: I thought that that would be the "real" Vanitas before he looked like Sora.
  13. Is the red eyed guy ...Vanitas? And where is the place where we see Terra and Aqua (why is she there anyway? Dream Eater?) I like the fact that Sora meets Xion - at least it looks like it.
  14. Where are Aqaua and Terra? I cannot remember that I have seen the place before ...looks a bit destroyed.
  15. I guess, the heartless will stay just the real big "bad" will chance *coughbraigcough* <- if you ask me at least. Because it would feel kinda lame if there would turn up a new enemy just because
  16. It depends on your W-Lan options. DS uses a crappy do-not-know-the-english-word-for-it protected signal thingie. I think, the DSi uses a better one. I guess, I do not need a ninth Mewtwo
  17. So... I did not quite like FF13, is 13-2 any better? And how about it's play time w/o side quests?
  18. Yes, exactly my thought. At least we can assume that his Guardion is not a normal heartless, if it even is one at all. Well, he is quite old. I guess, he pretty much searched his whole life for some answers. If the guardion has anything to do with it, it may was something like a "deal with the devil".
  19. Well, not for games - but there were days in which I just "could not go" to school, so I lied to my mother. Aka my school sucked. Nowadays I have finished school and visit a college... there I do read books while I try to listen to the guy in front of me who talks about memory issues and that we should never ever try to do a brain surgery - yeah... I think it's pretty lame if one stays at home in order to play some games. Well, in the end it's up to everyone...
  20. Seems like Mickey falls, too... his "journey" to RoD maybe? Riku flies into the Sky and Sora "falls" to the Ground. Well, could be both (this darkness and light thing and their name's meanings...). And if Sora fails - there would be enough people who could come and rescue him... even the dream people could, I bet!
  21. Biiitte! Pleasy please...? Whatever the others said
  22. Ho - Many of us talked about how they want to see the Land of Departure, so I started asking myself: If there are dream worlds and well... people, could it be possible that we see Eraqus again? After all he is voiced by the guy who is the Joker and he comes back every damn time If this happens we might see a bit more of what happened to Xehanort and him in their youth (if they don't want to show more of him and TAV). After all Eraqus was a true friend to him and so a part of his life.
  23. Well, that is true, but he told us who MF is, so why not telling us this then, too? Seems kinda stupid to me. It is less diffcult to tell us "V2 is DDD".
  24. If Volume 2 would be part of DDD then there would be no reason to hide this fact at all. I would say it's a new novel however, since when were they introduced through a game? So it's either a game or a "movie".
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