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Everything posted by Henne

  1. I wonder if we will see the Guardian again with old MX. I'm not sure: Either the Guardian is a "strange evil thingie" that possed Xehanort in his youth or if he is just a form of darkness created by Xehanort and/or Terra. The Guardian seemed to be under Xehanort's control, however.
  2. He did not count Lea in as one of the wielders so he pretty much does not know about it.
  3. Remembers me of my brother who tried the same - but it failed because of some meddling kids and then the security came... uh, sweet memories. Too bad that I did not have a camera
  4. When I think about it... there could really be more than one way to time tavel (the world in KH2 aside): Xehanort had to choose a way where he does not change the past or maybe he would not be there "today". At least we know that Merlin can somehow speed up time or something like that.
  5. Her armor must have a reason... at least more than "Xemnas talks to his best metal bud". It seems to have a will of its own just like Terra's, so, I guess, it could tell us something. But that aside: Does Mickey not already know where Aqua is, at least kind of?
  6. Sadly he is not a "real" fighter. I guess, until we find Ansem, he will be the Mr. Exposition Guy along with Yen Sid.
  7. Oh, I bet his true plan is to reunite with his mother and then summoning a giant meteor in order to destory Gaia the multiverse while he's manipulating even more people.
  8. My mistake.Mickey said that he knows where Aqua is or something like that in the secret ending (coded), iirc.
  9. Mickey knows somehow where Aqua is. So, I think, he will try to save her first. Terra aside, I guess, Naminé will be the last one to come back. I'm sure it has to do with Kairi's training somehow and her powers as a PoH. Aqua -> Ven ... Roxas(?) -> Xion (Axel and Roxas will talk a bit I guess and with the help of Sora and Riku remember her) -> Naminé -> Terra. About Terra: It could be in the final fight (I hope not) or near the end of the game.
  10. Thanks ^^' Yeah, I love to dye it red or blue. Black was a test but I think it is "lame" if I can have red instead - nothing against black hair here
  11. I guess, we will see Leon (...), Cloud and co again because some of them has an untold story. I'm looking at you, Sephi!
  12. My hair is red now, but it does not matter, eh? Click me I have cookies
  13. They could start the story near to the end and use some flashbacks in order to explain what happend.
  14. Uh, I should have tried to listen in Spanish class a bit more. Pero mi español es muy mal
  15. I guess, it is more about dying and losing then about Rin alone. Obito does know what a war really means and if people (maybe his whole family?) die. It felt more like he blames the world/reality/system for everything bad that happens: http://c.mfcdn.net/store/manga/8/62-600.0/compressed/v016.jpg He even does not blame Kakashi for losing Rin - I think, he appreciated it that Kakashi tried but hates the world for not letting him succeed. http://www.abload.de/img/unbenanntcir1k.png A bit like "You can dream but that does not mean anything because this world is just unfair" and how can someone "correct" this unfairness? "Just" create a new world - a dream world where no one has to suffer anymore, plus, the dead come back and tada everyone should be happy now
  16. I thought he meant it has been a year since their first meeting?
  17. Well, Obito said that Rin is the reason he did not reveal himself to be alive... ok, I am sure that she is a reason for this war, too, but not the only reason... at least I hope so :unsure:
  18. As funny as it sounds - I think that there is more behind it.
  19. I know ^^ It's just that we have to wait so long. Graces is from 2010, iirc.
  20. Fine... prove it. I know that I suck at maths but even I can calculate that much.
  21. Mufasa anyone? Seems like Gnus are like a... deadly weapon! Gnu Power! I think, there is normal death in KH but Sora did only "kill" Nobodys and Heartless...
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