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Everything posted by Henne

  1. Does anybody know how much space was needed in DDD? IF BBS should ever get a remake (I mean a real one) then I hope that they will add more scenes per world... and well, actually NPCs when they talk about a crowd etc.. Interaction between the main characters and others felt a bit flat and so was the friendship of Aqua, Terra and Ven. A few flashbacks would have helped. Especially the world of Quasimodo. If I hadn't known about the movie I would have never understand why Esmeralda and... the knight guy whoose name I forgot, were in love and so on. It is sad that the worlds become so rushed.
  2. That was a secret hint from Nomura. I shouldn't tell you that but
  3. As somewho who was to stingy to buy that game: Do you have an idea what kind of scenes they will probably skip/exclude?
  4. Maybe it is Ursula's sister (from that terrible movie they did) gotten fat :ph34r:
  5. It would help if you would tell us what kind of story/verse. Do you need fantasy names?Japanese? Chinese, etc.?
  6. Why did I read this? Damn fantasies!
  7. His finger slips through his glove in the HD version... :ph34r:
  8. Stuuupid~ DS was nice - no region lock, I could import my stuff for less money and got it much earlier... good ol' time. Well, I was never intereseted in the Wii U so... yeah.
  9. Was it that comic where he had that beard and they tried to clone hitler?
  10. First: Which other game (from Square Enix) got a German Dub here? KH only got one because it was Disney. Second: Aside from KH1 and KH2 all the other games were for handhelds aka less money was used and less people have them. Third: ReChain was/is for PS2 and that thingie was dieing here when it was made. The last time I bought aPS2 game was... 2006? Plus there are so many games here that not even got a German translation. Chrono Trigger, Tales of the Abyss, many PSP games etc. ...
  11. Who cares? We can play it even if it would be just in English/USA. Import it and e voilà. But I bet that they will sub it and that's it.
  12. Buy Disgaea 3 and 4 (I recommand 4 ) and Heavy Rain, oh, I just love this game and soon(?) there will be "The Last Of Us", too *drools*
  13. If did not miss it: Will it be a download game or something I can buy in a store? I prefer to have something in my hands (that sounds so wrong or is this just my dirty mind?).
  14. Maybe they cut it out? Was there anything really important to the story in this world (I know about the castle slide but there are many people who never got it)?
  15. As long as it has no regional code I won't say a thing against the USA Great Birthday!
  16. Oh, sweet! Too bad that BBS is not one of them, but, I guess, that there will be a "ReMIX 2.0" for the rest of them? *needs pictures*
  17. I hope that that will not end like ToS: DotnW ... it seems to be much better (and is a main title...). Next year... Xillia and then hopefully this http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  18. I loved to watch the Turtles... *cough* Especially that laugh at the end
  19. Yeah and I'm sure that his mother is really angry. Sora should have eaten his dinner at least, that poor woman. What was her hard work for?
  20. Sooo... what exactly changed? They are still the same people you knew for over 5 years. They didn't do anything wrong as far as I can tell.
  21. Good anime - too bad that it was sooo short >_< T.K. rules Try watching "Guardian of the Spirit" that one is really nice, too.
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