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Everything posted by Henne

  1. They did not even bring Digimon World Re: Digitize *sigh* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digimon_World_Re:Digitize
  2. Should I take a photo of myself and the game in my hands while grinning like an arrogant arse? :huh: Plus a sign: "I already have it, LoLz"
  3. Don't know what to think about it. Don't have Ipod thingies. Don't have any money on me. ... ... ... Damn.
  4. It depends.I prefer Japanese RPGs and so on, however, my favorite game (series) is Assassin's Creed. I don't know if I just play the wrong J-games, but it feels like the Western Games are much darker. And I love these kind of stories... but I find RE lame.Man, I must sound like some split personality case, lol.
  5. Hope she(?) becomes a separate character somehow.
  6. Grrr, cannot watch it, stupid country, I live in.
  7. I don't know if anybody already said it but: He does not wear his sunglasses in this picture, right? Does this mean that we can put some things on the characters?
  8. Okay. Could quite remember. DDD was about time - maybe there will come some answers? (Yeah, I don't believe it, too).
  9. Disturbing *adds meme just to look cool like the others*
  10. I thought, the time flows different problem was already "fixed" in KH 1 - with the Heartless. They appear everywhere and rob the world of its natural being aka time flow, because their a... was it shields that proteced them(?), were kind of destroyed?
  11. Think of some dramatic music and a deeeeep voice, while reading the following: The Darkness ripped her of all her powers, while she tried to stay sane and not lose her memories like some old hooded guy who sat on a rock and thought about having fun with her. Okay, that was less funny as I thought - now I feel really bad.
  12. That remembers me: I never was in Disney Land and my older siblings were tricked to believe they were.... are my parents evil? Am I stolen of my childhood? Am I bored right now? Will we ever find the answer and does someone even care about it? :ph34r:
  13. That remembers me of one of these so called "news" shows that on air on 5 pm. They wanted to... test if it is possible to kill a man with a woman's breast. It is lovely how even my seven year old nephew thought that that was utter crap, lol But why do I wonder about it? The TV progam in my country is crappy crap
  14. No, I never really "leave".However, whenever a new game comes/is released I avoid coming and looking at this forum. Because I freaking hate spoilers.
  15. Lol, just realized that the names of my language are already there. God, I feel so stupid now
  16. I prefer to Y-Mascot. The X-Hirsch looks to... fabulous to me
  17. Ah, firetruck it!That's not fair! I just arrived at home and all I could see was how he said goodbye! Me is very, very sad
  18. Couldn't care less about him. However, one of my friends send me a funny video about him. My poor homecountry., yet I am happy, so he will never find it
  19. But, but, but...! Yeah, it's confusing to both sides - in school they taught us about Celsius, Fahrenheit and... Kelvin. Sweet memories, lol. We could start a discussion about... the units of length *dramatic music*
  20. *needs to look up how low 10 degrees Fahrenheit is* Oh... -12,2 Grad Celsius... well, it's a mild winter over here... 8° C. Normally, we have something between 0° C to -20° C. Fahrenheit, you make no sense to me poor thing.
  21. Pretty much this. I really like the game play, but the story was... not bad but... it was just like "Oh, yeah, Disney World, let's do the movies in SHORT(!) without any real explanations and rushing!" - if they had done proper stories than I would be much happier about it without Xehanort being there. It was everything:Hey, new world. Hey, new people I hardly know, but u and I r bestest friends NOW!Hey, boss! Hey, Xehanort andhey to your cryptic speeches. Hey, the world is finished and nothing else to do anymore. Hey, the world did not last an hour. Okay, it's a bit extreme. But they could have so much more with Quasimodo and all the others. Xehanort did "tell" Sora about the other hearts within him, but that was it. If he had at least learned about Ven and the others, but no.
  22. Me is sad. Me cannot watch that. It's not avaiable in my lousy country.
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