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Everything posted by Henne

  1. Did I miss something? Well, my expectations are that they do something with it that I am willing to buy it - because I won't buy 1.5. No reason to spend money on brighter colors. :ph34r:
  2. Sorry, not everyone loves Zelda - played a few games and thought "yeah, okay but not as amazing as everybody had said." Yoshi... maybe. I loved Yoshi's Story and the LSD gag in one of the other games
  3. Maybe he never had parents! *dadada* The voice he heard could have been his imagination - we never saw his father either, Riku mentioned him, but he was only around 5 years old at that time... so it could be a part of his phantasy, too O_o --- Did Sora's parents forgot about Sora during the Castle Oblivion incident? If yes: What were their thoughts of the sleeping room with a boy's toys? Father: Hm... we do not have a child. Mother: Yeah. We are without children, but I wonder - who's that boy on our photos? Father: Photoshop'd Mother: You must be right, hunny! Then this room must be-
  4. They could do another Roxas on us aka: Play one of them during the start of the game. Or do something like the following: The story will use Sora as the main character who we follow BUT we can choose as whom we like to play as - as long as the character is with Sora's party.
  5. If it's to expensive just wait. It won't run away. And if you fear not to get a certain game later on, than you can buy that and wait - or keep an eye on it. There are only three games that I am interest in so far:New SSB Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei and... uh, what was the third one again? Damn, I really forgot it
  6. It's pretty annoying that most people think that I am too young, lol. I am an adult for firetruck's sake! And even if I were younger, I should at least look like 16 - which means I can buy beer just fine, stop checking me! Do I really look younger than 16? *raaaant* So, yeah - I seem to look younger than I am, lol.
  7. And China (maybe) will allow them in the near future. Oh, the irony! But it seems that, no matter in which country you live, the "old" people say "oh, there was a massaker! Must be video games' fault! And in no way something else like... I don't know... hm, a shitty life? Naaah! Definitely video games!"
  8. Yeah, that's quite hot. I already hate it if it hits 38° over here - I should feel bad, right? :ph34r: As I see: It's been nearly a month: Is it still too hot?
  9. Crisis Core. It was even more depressing as I thought, because I thought, he would be able to see Aerith one last time, lol.
  10. I love this show. Too bad that I can only watch it online... I find it ironic: Those stupid hiatuses are at fault, if you ask me. "Hey, look that is a nice show" "Oh, it's not on air anymore?" "There it is again? ...what happened the last time... eh?" "It's off again? That was it then, I guessß" At least, when I was a child, that was what I thought when something like that happened over here.
  11. I am against killing these people, however, they should be locked away for the rest of their lives. I find it disturbing to kill a killer in order to do some kind of "justice".
  12. 2. IIRC, it is possible to try the academy test every half a year.
  13. I could swear that the singer in my language sounds almost alike to this guy.
  14. That's just half right. Days was only English/Japanese.
  15. There is some kind of hope:My professor does. She was wondering why I was laughing... I tried to say "Yeah, something fun was on my mind" ...then she walked to my place and looked. She is now even staring what kind of c- uh, things... highbrow things I write here. I shall tell you: That Henne is a fool, if it thinks that it can write in forums if it should do other things like taking notes - lol
  16. When I was young (lol) my father tried to but he gave up when I was around 12. "No, Henne, no Half Life and GTA for you." "But Vogel and Strauss (aka my older brothers) play those games! I want toooo!" "Yeah, okay... you can play GTA."And so I did, when I was seven years old - ah, good old times. There my big lovely eyes had some good use. My parents were not happy that I played (such) video games as a girl. But my grades were still good in school so there was no reason to stop.
  17. Interesting how mean Donald and Goofy can stare at me. What did I do wrong, wäääh Would not surprise me if that would end up to be the cover. However, I think it would be more fitting if it would show more characters, after all it covers THREE games and there is more to it than Sora, Donald, Goofy, that is not KH2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd5QZrJDV2Uhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd5QZrJDV2U
  18. Ah, okay, thanks ^^ That was the reason why I did that stupid apple joke, there is a second word here, which has the word apple in it.
  19. There are people who who- are interest in their likes? I do not even have a FB acc, guess, I am not made for such things, lol
  20. Nice to hear Btw: Is there a second English word for potato?
  21. I prefer these apples http://images.umweltberatung.at/imggr/erdapfel_dub.jpg (okay, that joke is too bad, I am sorry, no one will get it here...) But that aside: I prefer red sweet apples, sadly I can hardly eat them
  22. Nope, there will only be me. I would be too cruel to it. I would take all its organs in order to cure my own illness... omc, I am such a mean person.
  23. Remember me, that I have to kill the GEMA!
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