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Everything posted by Henne

  1. This is KH after all. Maybe they just lost their memories lol
  2. Could just be a German and Spanish voiced trailer. After all, KH1 and 2 got dubs in many more lanuages. Are there these two to be found in the French list, too? (Is there a French list and so on?)
  3. Why is there a need for EVERY (new) character to be part of family x, y, z? Blaine could just be Blaine. If he has any kind of connection, I guess, it would be via Xehanort's plans.
  4. They were already translated in many languages. However, for whatever reason, DDD never got a Spanish and Italian translation.
  5. I wonder how "important" they are for the fortellers. After all, this will be from their perspective, right? So, maybe they are not yet important enough.
  6. If the characters in KH would stop speaking like they are in a Shakespear play and just, dunno, explain stuff in a normal way most of the strange plot points could be explained in a few minutes.
  7. That is what she wanted but who says that her plan did work like she thought?
  8. How about this: Neither Luxu nor the MoM are evil but the keyblade they(?) and Xehanort use posesses an "evil" will. After all, it is the oldest keyblade for some reason.
  9. Pretty much this. And if they are busy fighting each other he can do other stuff. So far it sounds like he his the most greedy bastard ever. He even says the world will end but he still does continue with his plans.
  10. Him being the master and Nomura agreeing on it means there is some much bigger story behind this guy than "only" being the MoM.
  11. If it really looks this terrible ingame I will find this quite strange because we know they'll use this for KH3 where his role is bigger.
  12. And then we get trolled again because Aqua's mind is going bananas and thus Terra's face looks like some kind of monster or just MX.
  13. Or Troy Baker. Both of them can pretty much sound alike. Have you ever seen Persona 4 The Animation? They switched one for the other during the show's run.
  14. Pretty much this. Plus, the black cloak seems kinda like a troll, so it would be fitting.
  15. Kinda. At least, he has a "strange" personality. A bit too lax for someone with a master plan. I guess, we can, at least, now say that he is not Xehanort - not the real one.
  16. I think, that is not the real Terra. Aqua even says something about memories being messed up by the darkness shortly before.
  17. Just import it? They won't translate it anyway.
  18. It should upadte itself like other Apps - at least, that is, what Tales of Link did when it didn't had an English version outside of the US.
  19. Hey, thanks for adding me :)

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Its Quite alright Henne :)

  20. I always wondered "Why Tuesday?". It feels really strange to get something fun during the week - here we get new games on Fridays, most of the time.
  21. What would that be? Swords? Magic? Talking animals?
  22. It's kinda cute but I don't want it to become so much more aka plot tumour of love.
  23. Well, the XB One does only sell the most in the USA and UK (iirc) because most of its services can't be used outside of the US - so it's only logical why SE did not try to make 2.8 for it. When they said they would and will do KH3 for it, that was a different time, no one would have known how low the sales would be. In short: it's just about the money. They don't care if someone with an One would get the whole story. However, if they are nice they could make a version for the people outside Japan, but I don't think that will happen.
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