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Everything posted by Akihiko

  1. Yay Cid X Pluto is possible!
  2. 10. I lost to DI Riku 12 times and won 3. 9. I stayed 2 hours in Wonderland in KH1 searching where to go, and I passed the spot 3 times. 8. I never realized those stars at the end of KH1 were the worlds going back to their places. 7. I stayed 2 minutes staring at Heartless Sora thinking it was still part of the cutscene. 6. I stayed 10 minutes trying to time a jump right at KH1's Deep Jungle. 5. I lost to the first dusk fight with Roxas in KH2 on begginer mode. 4. I searched for Naminé in the old mansion. 3. I couldn't get to the place where the Ultima Weapon recipe is in KH2. 2. I played KH2 for 1 year without knowing you could level up summons and Drive forms. 1. I thought Tifa was a member of Organization XIII too. Bonus No.1: I thought the fairies were strippers. Bonus No.2: I thought Terra was Leon's nobody. Bonus No.3: It took me HOURS to find that damned last fish in KH1.
  3. Can you feel the Sunshine?...

    1. Akihiko


      Don't you feel that sometimes

      You just need to run away?

      Reach out for the sunshine

      Forget about the rain

      Just think about the good times

      And they will come back again


      Feel the sunshine...

    2. Larushu


      the f*ck?....

    3. Akihiko
    4. Show next comments  405 more
  4. The police is overused, Gumi.Shoot him with arrows in the knee.
  5. Revealing the plan proves you are a great villain.
  6. I like Kairi.It's just that Nomura makes her useless for some reason.
  7. Do you want the yaoi fangirls to take over the game or something?
  8. You know you fail at KH when you use firaga and burn you keyblade.
  9. I still wonder.... THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER HAND?!
  10. bye for today ;)

    1. Junko


      Does this mean i can have ur computer?

    2. Akihiko
  11. Calling... someone is calling...
  12. I give up. Goltana Is an official pairing. I shouldn't care much

    1. 4Everbee


      Uh.. Huh....

    2. Akihiko


      yay free Grimprentice

    3. Shana09


      ... =) I guess I have to also ^_^

    4. Show next comments  405 more
  13. Yup, this is what happens when I'm not here.
  14. It's the truth. There are a lot of people who can't share things or care about others, unfortunately.
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