10. I lost to DI Riku 12 times and won 3.
9. I stayed 2 hours in Wonderland in KH1 searching where to go, and I passed the spot 3 times.
8. I never realized those stars at the end of KH1 were the worlds going back to their places.
7. I stayed 2 minutes staring at Heartless Sora thinking it was still part of the cutscene.
6. I stayed 10 minutes trying to time a jump right at KH1's Deep Jungle.
5. I lost to the first dusk fight with Roxas in KH2 on begginer mode.
4. I searched for Naminé in the old mansion.
3. I couldn't get to the place where the Ultima Weapon recipe is in KH2.
2. I played KH2 for 1 year without knowing you could level up summons and Drive forms.
1. I thought Tifa was a member of Organization XIII too.
Bonus No.1: I thought the fairies were strippers.
Bonus No.2: I thought Terra was Leon's nobody.
Bonus No.3: It took me HOURS to find that damned last fish in KH1.