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Elijah Gravenhorst

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Everything posted by Elijah Gravenhorst

  1. Actually, toasters toast bread, but you know whatever.
  2. They didn't merge. Vanitas was destroyed when he was defeated and that's why Ventus needed Sora in order to survive.
  3. *morals You got it right a couple times, so stick to it. But, seriously, it's just a video game. As long as you don't let it influence how you behave in real life, you're fine. If you can't handle keeping the two separate, then it's best you stay away from violent video games. It's different for everyone so I can't tell you what choice to make.
  4. I'm not sure how NPCs would work with the way the combat does (if you'll notice, whenever a friendly or Non Player character is in the environment, the area has usually been cleared and there are no enemies in the entire accessible map) but it would be interesting to see if they can come up with a way to make the worlds seem less dead.
  5. One of the Xehanorts. Let me win, and I'll make it worth your while.
  6. Kid's are cruel little bastards. Don't let them get to ya. There is much more to life beyond the lunch table or the classroom and people have no right to judge you for anything unless you give it to them. You'll get through it, don't worry.
  7. I'm going to see them live this spring.
  8. I think the difficulty is fine, but I think there should be lot more of them. Maybe five or six to work towards once you've beaten a game.
  9. I thought that already was the name. Sound's good to me.
  10. I thought BBS was the more streamlined product. It ran better, offered fewer hiccups and the battle system was a little more fluid. On the other hand, I reeeaaaaaally like flowmotion... Altogether I do think BBS is a little better. I dunno it depends on what you're looking for.
  11. Well, do you have to have a Wii-U? Does your dad think you just spend too much time playing games?
  12. What's fair is that you have three meals a day and a roof over your head. You don't own squat until you're 18 and you're damn lucky to have an allowance. Be thankful and sell some o yo video games if you think you have too many. And get a job dammit. grumblegrumblegrumblegrumsbvdhfdsihihghsfdskjgfsnd
  13. It's for people who wanna do lvl 1 runthroughs.
  14. They're not going to port KH3D to the ps3 or 4. It came out last year. Seriously let's be realistic it's just too new a game to be remade already and it would be a huge waste of money. I'm sure they'll find a way to recap the story since, honestly, not much happened in 3D until about the last 2 hours of the game.
  15. PS4. It's cheaper and I honestly don't want all the extra functions that the Xbox one has. I don't have cable and I use my computer for everything else.
  16. If you like your current healthcare, you can keep it.
  17. Well, her mother will be happy that she finally ate something...
  18. I don't get it guys, wuts so funny? So christmas is a festive, magical time of year.. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  19. Try stocking cards even if they don't make a sleight. Either that or use a map card that will spawn weaker heartless. I recommend feeble darkness.
  20. Hmmmm I don't think we ever formally met, but I'm glad to see people coming back. This place was a little dead for while.
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