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Elijah Gravenhorst

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Everything posted by Elijah Gravenhorst

  1. You may play well quickly, but I play my Kingdom Hearts games with great tender loving care.
  2. Adam wasn't the first creation of God...
  3. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexxxxxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHalfLifeThreeConfirmed
  4. And what if xaxel's nobody had a nobody? I'm thinkin xaxelx.
  5. ...I don't think we would get along very well with topics like those. I'm sure you'll do well no matter what you pick. You seem like someone who can convey her thoughts very well while expressing the effort you put into the project and your teacher will appreciate that.
  6. You're an idiot. Only arrogant bigots mistake the laws of the ancient nation of Israel for the expectations of behavior for a modern christian. I'm sorry that some believers try to force their practices on other people, but seriously stop trying to be clever.
  7. I know, but the shot of Sora fighting 1000 heartless in master form already has me thinking that these aren't just straightforward in-game screenshots. I'm only doubting a few of them though.
  8. It could just be a promotional image that doesn't represent the way the retail product will work. It's just a cool screenshot.
  9. I'm going to vote yes because I would reeaaaally like that to happen.
  10. So much reading... I'm actually really interested, but... I'm also really lazy; I'm going to Taco Bell now.
  11. Yeah the time travel just isn't working for me... I hope they don't use it again as a plot device.
  12. The Kingdom Hearts series is eternal. Or as old as it can be whilst continuing to spit out munny.
  13. And have you heard that Sony is now offering the Xbox One without the kinect?
  14. Ah, princepessa you are welcome here. I'm sorry, but that is the only Italian word I know. I hope you feel at home.
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