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Everything posted by Inuyashagirl20

  1. Here's another entry, I like this one a lot more then my other windows 7 drawing, PLUSHI!!!! http://inuyashagirl20.deviantart.com/#/d5bdnqx
  2. Here's my other entry, I hope it's good http://inuyashagirl20.deviantart.com/#/d5bdeky
  3. A friend that always tells me secrets and is annoying, I wouldn't want a friend who is probably lying to me and keeps secrets all the time. The first option
  4. This is the first week i have played it and I'm almost done beating it, I'm stuck on trying to defeat Ansem on Riku's story
  5. Can't sleep, I'm very sad about school starting back up too >.<

    1. Inuyashagirl20


      >.< I dunno, I play video games a lot but since school is starting back up i can't stay up late anymore :'( makes me sad, lol
    2. Roxie


      oh, your lucky your going to school next month or so

    3. Inuyashagirl20


      next week, I gotta go to my school's open house this coming Friday.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Having breakfest for dinner <3

  7. http://inuyashagirl20.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d575km9 Here's my Kingdom Hearts 3D pic :DD
  8. Back hime and happy ;) Piked up my pre order of kingdom hearts and it is AWESOME!!

  9. Kingdom Hearts means so much to me. I first found out what kingdom hearts was when I was 14, I'm 16 now. My very first game from the saga was Birth by sleep that I got for Christmas the year it came out. Then for my 16th birthday my dad bought me a PS2 just so I can play the other 3 that was made for it, around the same time he got me a regular DS and I had bought Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days and re: coded. About a year and a half ago I found out kingdom hearts 3D (dream drop distance) was being made and I bought a 3DS just to play it. I pre ordered the rugular version with the three AR cards 3 months beofre it came out and I picked up the game at gamestop 2 days after it's release. So far the game met my expectations and is the best Kingdom Hearts game I have played so far. Love it so much, don't think I'll ever get tired of this game.
  10. My dad pre ordered me MoM like 2 months ago. But, he said when it's relesed on Tuesday (I live in south carolina) That I have to wait the following Thursday to go pick it up. Can't wait!!!
  11. I really want to play BBSV2, I really want to know Aqua's story from when she was in darkness.
  12. I was watching Kingdom Hearts cut scenes on YouTube and they were from kh13.com
  13. I really did not care and I did not believe that he "died" I mean, How can SE replace Goofy?
  14. Happy Birthday ~ My parents pre-ordered me the MoM edition of kingdom hearts 3D as a surprise present because I am obsessed, lol. Hope you had an awesome Birthday All Kingdom hearts fans stand together
  15. Well, I"m 16 and I don't think I will ever lose interest in video games I love them to much and video games make half my life. Now way dude.
  16. I'm in Florida!! :D Hitting the beautiful beaches.

  17. I think there will be a BBSV2. It least I hope there is. Because, I really want to see how Aqua was able to stay in the world of darkness for 10 years up to kingdom hearts 1. Oh, and does anybody know what console this game will be for? PSP because of the first one or the new ps vita?
  18. My parents pre-ordered me the collectors addition just a couple of days ago! I was so surprised and so happy that hugged them to death and I was in tears. I'm soooo excited for this game that I can't wait. only a couple more months..
  19. I had a fun and awesome spring break, but i don't wanna go to school tomorrow. lol

    1. Inuyashagirl20


      Lol, school is such a drag -_-" How come you don't get summer vacation Keyblade_warrior895?

    2. Keyblade_warrior895


      because i'm in college in an 18 month course, holidays don't really sit, and no one has time for them

    3. Inuyashagirl20


      awww :( That sucks.

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  20. I'm at school right now playing on one of the computers :D awesomeness, i was excited to see the new 10th anniversary Box release. Oh, and i'm buying a 3ds soon so I can play Drop dream distnace when it's released. YAY!!

  21. Can't wait for Christmas!! :D

    1. replika13
    2. Inuyashagirl20


      This might be a REALLY late reply but my Christmas was awesome, lol

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