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Everything posted by Inuyashagirl20

  1. It's been awhile since i'v been back here~ How is everyone? :)

  2. I'm so happy we are finally getting KH3 :) Only thing I have to do now it get a PS4..and I don't even have a ps3 yet T~T

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      Just buy the PS4. PS3 games will probably be avaible at PSN for you to buy them.

    2. Mchappy_


      I don't have either as well. I'm pondering whether I should sell my Wii once KHIII is on the market.

    3. Inuyashagirl20


      I'm kinda surprised I'm not alone in this, lol

      But I'm getting a ps3 for Christmas and when kingdom Hearts 3 comes out, then i'll get the ps4.

      :P But not any time soon. im comfortable with waiting


  3. Coffee~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ReikuSSR


      hot cocoa~

    3. Dracozombie


      Coffee! Finally, someone who understands me. ;_;

    4. Inuyashagirl20


      xD omg you guys are funny lol.

      Yes!~ Coffee is freaking amazing, if I don't have it in the morning I end up falling back asleep.


  4. Sorry about not posting for awhile

  5. Sorry about not posting for awhile

  6. Hehe, I'm a girl and I thought this was cute and I went "awwwww, thank you" ^///^
  7. Me and my parents are pretty close, I love them to death and they are awesome. But, sometimes me and my dad argue. We have disagreements a lot.
  8. Merry Christmas

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

  9. I got nothing that I really wanted this year..but it's ok. I love it
  10. Put up our Christmas Tree last night!! :D

  11. December 25 2010 around 6:37am Christmas morning. Very first Kingdom Hearts game I ever played was Birth by sleep and is my favorite one in the seares.
  12. I have always known what Kingdom Hearts was since the first commercal for it. But I didn't really get into it when I saw Birth by sleep. Birth by sleep was the very first kingdom hearts game i ever played. Got the game of Christmas 2010. Then when my birthday came up my dad bought me a ps2, got all the games for that platform and soon after i got all the ds games and i have dream drop distance now..soooo..for me its been about 2 years playing it.
  13. I'm sorry for the spoiling a little, lol. But hanging with my bestie, we were cosplay earlier today, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koko


      oh coOL??

      i always wanted to do matryoshka cosplays, but the i've stuck to easy homestuck cosplays :3

    3. Inuyashagirl20


      we are doing it as a home made cosplay too, we are just buying our jacketsand wigs , lol

    4. Inuyashagirl20
  14. I beat kingdom hearts 3D last, the secret message says this game will lead to kingdom hearts 3!! omg i flipped!!

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      People who hate spoilers are probably eager to kill you lol

    2. Inuyashagirl20


      I was gonna say spoiler alert but i forgot because I was too excited O.o

  15. I really want that meow wow plushi lol

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Me too... x( *crais*

    2. Inuyashagirl20


      Have you sent it a drawing yet? It's possible. Anyone here could win it, lol

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