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Where's Sora

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Everything posted by Where's Sora

  1. Ich wollte nur Hallo in meiner ersten Sprache zu sagen.
  2. None of them honestly, even Aqua. Frankly they are clouded by either light, darkness, or friendship.
  3. Even with the hack cloud is not that good. Keeps stealing my kills.
  4. I would like missions options like in days but the style of Mirage Arena. With also extra unlockables exclusive to Multiplayer
  5. Well as it is coming out in 2012 the dates got me thinking of the original release date of Kingdom Hearts. March 28th Kingdom Hearts was released in Japan, maybe DDD will. If so we are looking at around September 17th, the NA release date.
  6. I enhanced the picture and the end looks like an alternate color of the No Name keyblade. Sort of
  7. Found it from kh2.co.uk during KH2 was out in Japan. I was just to lazy to make an account. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
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