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Where's Sora

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Everything posted by Where's Sora

  1. Riku passes Sora does not. Sora fall in darkness, dyes his hair black, and calls himself Vanitias.
  2. If the box comes with the bundle I would guess it has to be like an art book or something for the 3DS.
  3. Twilight Thorn. I had no idea what to do to hurt him lol.
  4. Oh... There will be... in JAPAN ONLY THOUGH!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png
  5. I am going to get the Japanese version since I know some already. Then spoil every last detail on this sight!!!
  6. He was not necessarly a bad guy in the first place. He just listened to orders.
  7. Too many Xehnaorts!!! Why won't he just give up already!!!!!
  8. Basic question: Do you think Isa will return? If Axel's human form was shown would his best bud show too?
  9. More storyline info. I know some japanese so i might understand some of it.
  10. I am guessing that when it gets here, IT GETS HERE!!!
  11. I wonder if MF is young Xehanort (eyes have some sort of gold color) or someone in the same manner as Xehanort.
  12. Xbox with Playstation contollers? Intresting I guess?
  13. Welcome to the forum and while we are talking about dragons my favorite is night fury
  14. Since everyne is saying the X-Blade I will say the Ultima Weapon because it changes looks every game.
  15. Love the orginal but, after watching Legacy I cannot compare both movies. Legacy is a magnificent sequel and movie, thats my vote.
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