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Everything posted by flaire

  1. I had a few ideas one being that is Xehanort at around Sora's age, or another being Terranort, it's possible their are multiple beings, as this is dream worlds, so I think more is possible here.It seems these worlds are sort memeories that are under lock and key, so the multiple beings I was talking about could possibly mean that they each represent differnt meemories, kind of like Xion is a good way to think of it.
  2. mostly, Sora still carries Ven's heart, xehanort needs it to complete the x-blade, which means he'll need sora, but then again, nothings ever as it seems in this series, but that's the most logical reason I can come up with. also, if vanitas is part of ventus heart, then he's also locked up in sora, so now sora's double the value to him.
  3. fan girling - activated! seriously this game looks more and more awesome, so can't wait for march *that's when they said they would release right?* eeeeek~ <3 love it!
  4. Oh dear, this is hard because love him or hate him, he's definetely a complex and multidemensional character. One side of him is funny, smart, and friendly. Another side is the kind of stuff that keeps the fangirls a comin, the dark, manlipuative, obcessive, insane Axel. He has other characterists, but one step at a time. The uter shell - the bright side of him shows in his friendship with Roxas and in his past self,Lea. He's a happy little tennager, drunk on life and full of energy and - wait for it - like fire. He's both destructive and productive, maker and breaker, and whatever cliched crap you can think of. Then beneath that is the "bad" side.Holy crap he's intense, he's got a crazed look in his eye, he's gonna kick your ass if your in his way or piss him off. He will use anyone and anything to get what he wants, no matter the price, no matter the goal. Then there's the sort f...in between, he's sort of vunerable.He lost the former friendsahip with Saix, and I'm willing to bet my college fund that really hrts him still.Then the double whammy with Xion and Roxas.Look at that freakin tear in the good bye scene! He's just trying to get back to the good times. Oh and let's not forget the sort of war going no in his head about going with Saix and taking over the organization.I don't think he really wants to , just like he didn't really wanted to kill other members, but Saix sort of maipulated him back at that, i wonder how guilty he is about that. I can only amagine how akward the first time he sees Zexion and Vexen now that we know they'll be in the next game And.....yeah, dat about sums it up.
  5. it's my birthday! :D

    1. flaire
    2. Friend


      Happy birthday even thou i dont know you xD

    3. flaire


      that's ok friend :D

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. i can't remember the number of the verse but I think it's in Exodus
  7. I agree, his main purpose was to be the explanation for the riku replica. Also agree how Roxas and Kairi don't get the atention they deserve. Kairi is shown as a "main character" but out of the series she has about 25 minutes worth of dialogue.OUT OF ALL THE GAMES! As for Roxas, he really is an important part of the plot who should be getting his dues as a character it's like the minute he's gone, he's gone, you'll get de ja vu for Sora when he's done something Roxas has, and that it. Other three characters are Ventus,Terra, and Aqua. These are probably tied for second most under appreciated character. They worked they asses off to save all the worlds, stop the x blade from forming, stop Xehanort, and then suffer more than any group of KH characters and WHAT!?!?! No one.NO ONE remembers them for all they did.Then that dum bass Sora came in and firetrucked it all up and resurrected Xehanort! Way to go kiddo! No before the Sora fan girls come at me with pitchforks and torches allow me to say that if Sora had actually stop for a second and try to learn what the hell was going on, things would be different.But noooooo- let's hack ad slash everyone who dares opposes him! and now I'm off topic! But by far the most under appreciated KH character is Xion. Let's think about t, she is a major part of Roxas story and greatly affected everything.Without her, Sora would most likely still be alseep, Roxas would have never left the organization, and a lot of secrets would never have been recovered if she had not been created.Heck remember she was the big reveal of Ventus!Yet she only appears in one game, she gets bashed by some of the other characters,then she forgotten,completely forgotten.She's even often forgotten often in te fanbase, when I type in organization 13 in say deviant art she often isn't in the group arts! Namine seems to be more bashed in the game, but I'eve seen countless fanarts, fictions, and videos of her byherself or in a paring, so I don't consider her underappricated, in fact she actually has mre scenees than her somebody does!
  8. aw jesus that's awful, I remember when I went through my personal hell, all I can say is this - live to see better days. hell can't last forever,ok? You already made a big step by venting this out, it's painful to say, but it take a crapload of weight of of you. It's sucks, but first off let me say that 9th grade boys are probably at the bottom of the evolution chain. they CAN be stupid,rude,bastards.Plus that was probably one of the dumbest insults I've ever heard, really an emo joke."Haha your emo so that means your ugly." tell that bitch to look in a goddamn mirror. that's what I would say! But stand up to your self because bullying is wrong, your friends just standing by is wrong, and the fact that this sounds like it's gone on for a while is DISGUSTINGLY wrong. And as for Alex allow me to say that it's not the end of the world, you already said he's a smart kid *'m a freshman in high school and I STILL can't do algerbra!* what matters is being there for him to help him overcome it. he'll turn out fine, as long as someone's there to help him through.As for those friends, have you talked to them about this, because I think you might want to reconsider their friendship if they can't even stand up for you.I know that's hard but it's better than being hurt by them over and over again.I remember my middle school it was hell, I went through serious depression when I was 11 and had a sucide attempt when I was 12. But you want to know what got me through? Two things.One - I did not want it to win. I didn't want everyone who hurt me to get what they wanted, I didn't want to give up, I didn't want them to get away with it.Like I said, I wanted to live to see a better day. The second and most important thing that help me realize number one - I had people to help me through it, without my best friends I still would be the little girl I was. Look at these posts, there are people here willing to help you because no body deserves to go through this kind of pain.And so message me if you feel bad ok? And for the record, I believe in the bible there's a verse that goes like this " Crying doesn't mean your weak, it means you've been strong for too long."
  9. oh shi- duck and cover people!
  10. merry christmas and a happy new year!
  11. that a good iea that's a very good idea, but it seems more of something that they will put in maybe KH3 or a side game to transition into the new saga. but still a very god idea I want to see
  12. Chuck Norris can defeat Sephorith just by starring at him. Osama Bin Laden didn't die from bullets, he had a heart attack when they hold up a picture of Chuck Norris *oh christ I'm gonna get so much hate for this one* Chuck Norris once stomped his foot.That was when Pangaea broke up. Chuck Norris knows where in the world Carmen San Diego is. This post was chuck norris approved. and I made all of these up on the spot ^w^
  13. ....Did I accidentually get high when I read this? Because hat's the only explanation I can think of for what utter are-you-kidding-me crap I just read!
  14. Oh my god I freaking loved The Dark Knight! A moment of silence for the best joker who came to the big screen. On to fan girling! I really can't wait to see this in theaters, I'd really don't have any complaints from what I've heard, I even think Anne Hathaway will be a good catwoman, ah! My mind can't make any more chohesive thoughts!EEEEEEEEKKK ~
  15. Sorry I can't take Pete seriously as a villian so it will be a little hard to fight him without dying of laughter first but as the world it self goes it looks like a pretty cool level, I remember watching the movie and it will be cool to see what they'll do.
  16. you know you fail at KH when you stab yourself with your keyblade.
  17. Xion and Roxas for the win! They make the most sense to me, they spent a year together, are very close, it's only a matter of time.but sometimes i the game I sense a rivalry with Axel..... crack pairings don't make any damn sense but I do them anyways *NaminexZexion,KairixAxel,KairixZexion* I really don't like Namine but I like NaminexSora
  18. Eh,ingdomHearts normally never goes into a relationship past friendship, so I can't say a boyfriend, but I do think her name is arlene.
  19. My first name means bright, clear, famous, my middle name means God's Oath *ironic, cause I'm an athiest* and my last name means ruddy*it means a heathy red color, which could explain my red hair and and very fair skin*
  20. 358/2 days and it's still one of my favorites
  21. Personally I don't know how they can top all of THIS in the Xehanort Saga. For one thing we don't know how they'll transition into whatever there thinking up next, and I'm a littl sad this is gonna end, these were thr characters that for 4 years now I've loved and watch their stories, I hope a lot of their real sucessful characters get transitioned into the next saga, cause they are gonna lose a crapload of fangirls if they get rid of Axel here's an idea - how about we have a saga about Kairi *shot* I mean she could be lot better of character if we had more time to explore who see if, cause in KH 1 and KH2 she really didn't have that many scenes to talk about her character, her personality. It could be cool, we could flesh her out, and maybe gain her some respect cause if she's our heroine and stays that way, well we're all screwed.We could talk about he three sort of sides of her,thte light,the dark,and the twilight sides of her.By that I mean Kairi,Namine,and Xion. It could deal with her mind,think American Mcgee's Alice only kingdom hearts-ified.It sounds far fetched but make it about her light side naiive to the real world and it's struggles to beat it, her darkside trying to drag her down, and her twilight side trying to overtake her.It could pretty freakin sweet she's got a keyblade, why not use it?!?!
  22. I got Lexeaus..... what da hell? so I retook it and got Axel. YESH!
  23. Remember the one boss fight in hallo ween town in 358/2 called the Leech Grave? Wel thanks to that monster fight I nearly theough my ds out the window and yelled screw this game!
  24. I'm very satisfied by what the trailer showed us, it's gave enough away but still keep some things cyptic, plus I love the sneak peaks of the opening, this game looks like it could possible be as good as Birth by Sleep!
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