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Everything posted by Nermal

  1. What the another thread about KH voice actor?About wich i have no idea who the hell he/she is?
  2. Thanks to this :http://www.youtube.com/user/HeroeMGT guy...Im big fan of twewy so i was looking for videos and find his channel he is big fan of kh so i watched some videos....of it i think that first KH video that i watched was Sora vs Roxas....than i donwloaded chain of memories....I was little confused because it was my first KH game that i played and i never finished it....than i watched KH2 walkthrough and than i bought days....than i watched all scenes from KH 1 becaue walkthroug was boring....Than i watched BBS cutsenes.....and now im waiting for KH3D....
  3. I just dont like limitations....And i will never beat demo with those 30 plays.....Each time i die i turn off the game to have a break....And i wont buy full game so having this demo with limitless uses would be great.....
  4. I cant even beat normal mode....I never played any resi game before and im bad at shooting games.But i like demo...Too bad that you can play it only 30 times....
  5. O.o it is just me or the KH3D site reminds you Barbie site? Now seriously i have no idea what those char slots could be...But i know that it wont be Neku or other TWEWY chars because they are alredy confirmed....
  6. Pikachu I dont know they look like Pokémon 6th gen...And higer the pokémon gen is the pokémon looks worse....But i like all cat looking Dream Eaters.....
  7. Huh did i just see Graffits from twewy in first video?Should this be KH version of underground/river (or how was it called)???
  8. plushie have a price that KH 3D should have....Why to buy some plushie for price of a game???
  9. Toy Story in KH?I hope this is fake i dont like idea that Sora/Riku will be ruinning around Mr.Potato and smashing that colorfull monsters with keyblades.....
  10. More and more things are revealed about KH 3D im more and more confused....Im not even sure if main chracters will be real Sora and Riku....
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