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Everything posted by Nermal

  1. I vote for DF too....As a whole all AE games are great.....
  2. For some stupid reason I cant unlock secret ending...I have 7 trophies and unlocked secret messange and answered corectly to all question(via theater mode) but I still cant unlock secret ending....
  3. I really dont care about drop system thanks to drop-me-not item....Thanks to it I can play as Riku/Sora as long as I want......
  4. Pokémon mystery dungeon series FTW.....I think they are even better than normal poké games.....
  5. Great....But im still waiting for update that will allow me to watch videos on my 3DS.....
  6. The World Ends With you2.... But if i have to choos from FF or KH i would choose KH....Why?FF has so many games....Why to create another??? And KH fans are waiting for KH3 few years....
  7. Great congratz to America players you have now official release date... Now give me European release day.....
  8. I agree with storyline part.....It just made KH series more confusing.....But i disagree with gameplay part....It is looking like fun....
  9. Ummm i dont know if someone psted this.But i found New KH 3D tracks....They are from disc 2... http-~~-//www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/kh/3d/sound/disc2/track1.mp3 -Access the Grid http-~~-//www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/kh/3d/sound/disc2/track2.mp3 -Digital Domination http-~~-//www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/kh/3d/sound/disc2/track6.mp3 -Gigabyte Mantis http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/kh/3d/sound/disc2/track10.mp3 -Ice-hot Lobster found them all....But im not sure about the names.....
  10. O.o i tought that this thread is named:is MX father of Sora? Good thing that it was just illusion.... For the question...No i dont think that he is afraid of Sora...Just look what he did to him...But I think that he is afraid of Riku...
  11. i think that it was Yen Sid...I just dont understand why in almost every 2nd scene they have their KH 2 clothes....
  12. He looks way better with that thing...It adds more seriousness to his char....
  13. He know about Naminé from Jimini's Journal....So i think that he dont remember what happened in CO....
  14. O.o That final boss is look pretty hard...I dont want to imagine that fight in critical mode....
  15. But they look different in almost every video....What is going on????
  16. The first cutscene is pretty confusing in one scene they look like in KH I and in another one like in KHII what is that????
  17. What the Lea using keyblade???No..just no....He is too cool to use that thing....He is suppoused to use epic Chakrams and no that Giant key....
  18. UH OH I will have chemistry test tommorow and KH3D will be released at that same day....I hope that i will be able to focus on it....IF not.....

    1. XIIISwords


      What level of Chemistry?


      AP Chem killed my class rank. I got a 90 in that class. ):

    2. Nermal


      Umm...Shool in my country is tottaly different than in UK/USA....So i have no idea what level of chemistry it is in your country...

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