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Uncle Dolan

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Everything posted by Uncle Dolan

  1. I really don't like how it looks. I'd take the old security while I don't have to worry about viruses (I understand that the OS isn't virus-proof, no OS is.) I also like $20-30 OS upgrades.
  2. I love how Sora links to the 'AU Target' page even though it's the US Target page. LOL
  3. You can argue that they aren't, but it's all opinion in the end. I love , but hate Vista, 7 and 8. I prefer the 'Mac OS X' OS over newer Windows OS's, and that's my opinion.
  4. Whenever I see Microsoft's E3 Conferences, I laugh.
  5. My theory: Aqua's tits. (that can go into anyone's theory though)
  7. my words have been stolen. how did you do that http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
  8. time to ruin this chain 0 of 0 DC sucks 0 of 0 DC still sucks
  9. 3DS: Orange (would totally buy that sexy beast) 3DS XL: Pikachu, reminds me of the good old days of me and my Pikachu GBA SP. ;( EDIT: You're missing colors and making up colors.
  10. Even though they own the franchise 100% and only licensing it to Square. I do find it weird that Disney themselves do little to nothing with the series, but it's most likely for the better. (imagine a cheap KH sitcom....yeah) EDIT: They do promote the f**king shit out of it in their Downtown Disney store. They had 100 copies of Re:coded last time I visited the stores.
  11. Someone's in a bad mood LOL. I came here to post, and I can post. No rule says I can't, does it.
  12. Meh, the title of the song is incorrect too. I'll get a more HQ version later.
  13. I really don't care. A lot of stupid fans would would love, but I don't find the fun in Star Fox. Games come out every few years and I think that's alright. If there's one game that's been ignored by Nintendo, It's F-Zero. I'd love more of that, we haven't gotten any since the GBA days if I remember right.
  14. More interesting polls and grammatically correct answers.
  15. So you're that much against them that you couldn't read the article to find the original source?
  16. Just LOL. http://kotaku.com/5940929/the-voice-of-kingdom-hearts-riku-will-soon-be-nude-men-special-issue
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