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Uncle Dolan

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Everything posted by Uncle Dolan

  1. I think that the list gets it mostly correct, but a couple titles should be shifted out with others like Mutant Mudds, and Pushmo. KH3D should be at least #10, and Uprising deserves Top 3.
  2. Your already using this as a reason for why it might not be on a console? It's a damn teaser site for a unrevealed title. Also, Nomura wouldn't put a game like this on iOS, the idea is too complex from the start of it.
  3. You really shouldn't review games until you actually beat them, and do everything you can so you can give the best opinion possible. The game came out today. EDIT: Woah, where did my sense of time go? It's been out for 3 days now (2 when I posted it), but my point still applies.
  4. youcouIdalwaysfapshot I became more disgusted when the girl filming broke the fourth wall.
  5. You can't, because: 1. We don't know who the dev team is 2. They don't take requests 3. Sakurai also said he wanted pretty much zero 3rd-Party characters in SSB4 (not implying that your list is all 3rd-Party)
  6. I was referring to everything but​ the difficulty. Good job.
  7. Nope, there's also a thread with this article already, which is false.
  8. I'll buy it for $10 (it's apparently $10 ATM, but I have a Mac so it won't change my decision at all LOL) on PSN for my Vita later this month.
  9. Your calling an adult a kid? Congrats, good to know school has been working out for you.
  10. That isn't what Twilight Town is though.
  11. You mean Twilight Town and Destiny Islands, right?
  12. The one where the OP can spell 'greatest' correctly.
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