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Everything posted by Namine`

  1. Character Sheet Name: Chantal Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance:http://laurengrobe.muzy.com/post/41213357 Faction: Follower of Merlin Personality: Quiet, slightly shy, kind, closed to strangers. Bio: Chantal lives in a dormitory, declining to live with her sister whom worked at the palace. Chantal's two passions are magic and herbs, and though burdened with sadness by the death if Arthur, she believes that Merlin would be the wisest choice for a king. Weapon/Abilities: Short sword, and magic, primarily healing Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMEPN2yvrZA The Next Ruler of Camelot
  2. Vienna tossed her bag onto the bed, then poked her head out the door. "Take away is good with me." she replied.
  3. ~Amykara~ Amykara nodded seriousy, and understood. She had been on many missions with soliders who had some revenge to take care of, and sometimes they lost control. It wasn't an uncommon case. "Well, the Captain said it would be best to investigate his home. I'm guessing he hasn't been to his own house in a while, so the Darkness Base would probably be the best place to start." Ack! I hope he's not there, it would make things much more complicated.
  4. "Ah, no thanks. I think I'll take the extra room." Vienna replied. "I'm ready to just go now." she added, with a slight shrug.
  5. "Heh, sorry." Vienna murmured, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, it is nice outside. I've nothing planned, so why not?" she said, the mild weather making her feel refreshed.
  6. Vienna rolled her eyes. "Thanks, I play the piano, piano and keyboard." she fiddled with a loose string on the end of her sleeve, flushing. She wasn't exactly used to bein told she was beautiful, but she felt a lot more easy-going when she was with these guys, it was better than it might've been.
  7. Catherine shrugged. "If we have to fight, then we're going to fight." she said simply. It wasn't her choice to fight in some crazy world, but if she had to save it, then she was going to. That was life, and Catherine wasn't going to mess with destiney. Besides, these powers piqued her curiousity.
  8. Catherine spotted a group of people, focused on a man whom had approached them. As she walked over, she heard him saying something about stopping a war. "Where are we?" she asked simply, despite the thousands of questions bubbling inside her. Catherine now realized she couldn't remember anything from her past. This is not good
  9. Name: Luraxen Gender: Female Type: Nobody Side: Trying for Good Team: The new Organization XIII Age: 14 Weapon: Jet black, spiked whip Personality: Kind, very closed to others, quiet, shy Element: Earth History: Luraxen knew two things for sure about herself, her somebody was a girl named Aurore, who is now under the alias of Ara, and that her own name was Lauren. She changed it to Luraxen, as it seemed fitting. Luraxen remembers Aurore to be a quiet girl who was handy with many weapons, and was currently on an adventure across the worlds. Aurore lost her heart somehow along the way, but was rescued by a strange light. Nonetheless, Lauren came into exsitence, being silent and most of the time having no expression, much like a stone. But of course, Luraxen couldn't feel anything, anyway. She heard of the new Organization, and decided she wanted to have a heart to call her own.
  10. Vienna followed Allen. "Ok." she heard the shrill sound of ringing phone, and checked hers. "Its not me, I think your phone's ringing." she said, smiling a little.
  11. Catherine flinched away, looking bewilderedly at the sudden change. "If you say so." she replied, glad her voice didn't betray the calm expression on her face. She walked down the hallway for a whille, until she found a door leading outside. "This should help us figure out where we are..." she murmured. Catherine walked outside, seeing smoke in the distance. She squinted at it. "What the..."
  12. "My name is Catherine." she replied. Catherine looked around the hallway for any clues there might be. "I'm guessing there are others like us, we should go find them."
  13. Catherine finally felt herself resurface to consciousness. Before opening her eyes, she listened for voices, making sure she hadn't been kidnapped, or something horrible of the likes. Finally deciding it was safe, she sat up, and looked around, to find the room empty. "If this is some sort of joke..." she muttered, pushing the door open. She saw a girl (Ruby) walking down the hall, looking as lost as she was. "Hey, do you know where we are?"
  14. Charachter Sheet: Name: Catherine Blair Age: 15 Gender: Female Apperince (I prefer a picture): Personality: strong, wary, rational, quiet Power: can create the illusion of pain (for those of you who have seen or read the Twlight series, its pretty much like Jane's power) Weapon: bow and arrows and black sword Cross
  15. Vienna nodded. "Sure, it is nice outside." she shouldered her bag. She sighed a little, and looked at Allen. "I know its none of my buisness, but is there a reason you don't want to back to your house?"
  16. Vienna shrugged, getting the feeling something was keeping him from home. "Sure." she looked out the window to the road where Church had run on, back home probably. "I think I heard him say something about a band?" That reminded her of the upcoming prom, of which had no music. She groaned inwardly as she realized why Church needed a band. Ah prom. A night of tears and broken dreams while the snobs have the ime of their lives looking down on everyone else.
  17. ~Amykara~ "Yes, I'm coming Ali." Sheesh, someones in a hurry. she thought, jogging a little to catch up. I wonder why she is so eager. But Amtkara wasn't one to press, so she lengthened her stride to match Ali's pace. ~Fainezza~ Fainezza gave Nathan a shove toward the portal and followed after Kyle. "Come on, you heard him!" She felt uncomfortable as she walked through the darkness, but forced herself through anyway. It feels like I'm wearing a heavy sweater in the dead of summer. she grunted mentally.
  18. Vienna felt her face warm a little at Church's last words, but ignored it as she picked up her music. "Well, I guess I should be heading home, too." She smiled at Alen. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
  19. I read this, gagged, and realized stupidity knows no bounds. Is drinking hand sanitizer (which I'm guessing tastes HORRIBLE) to get drunk, of all things, worth going to the emergency room, and getting the internet to frown upon you?
  20. If only you could know The words I long to say The thoughts in my head I have no soul to say If only, If only When I walk by Please say hello Because the world turns gray When you're alone If only, If only The thoughts in my head Will never become Things I long tell Words on my tougue If only, If only If only you could see How alone I truly am Tossed, stoned, and silenced Too far from the sand If only, If only If only you could say The comforting words I long to hear To tell you things from the core of my soul To have nothing to fear If only, If only If only it were true That these things wouldn't go unsaid But it is a lie These secrets will be kept If only, If only Eating me away 'Till I am nothing but a stone Forgotten, quiet, silent A girl all alone If only, If only But wouldn't it surprise ya If you only knew
  21. Pros and Cons to major timed tests at my school, con-the test, duh. pro-i get to read, for like 4 hours

    1. OathkeeperRoxas


      my cons: at the end they raffle away random last year shirts yay... :D

    2. Koko


      i wish i could read for 4 hours.

      i end up reading for one and then i pass out.

  22. Vienna smiled as she recalled that song. "Piano Man, my mom played that around the house when I was little." she turned to Church"I'm Vienna, pianist." she felt herself stiffen a little at more company, but forced herslef to relax, be a little open.
  23. Xion turned around in surprise at the person who had seemingly come out off nowhere. She looked at the blade that was pointed at her head, and raised an eyebrow. "Friend, I hope." she replied, eyeing him carefully.
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