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About zanker100

  • Birthday 04/26/1992

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  1. hey guys, i'm super creeped out. last night i was on the cleverbot and i attempted to contact ben. this is some of my conversation User: Is BEN here? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Do you not like the fourth day glitch? Cleverbot: No. User: Why attack jadasbule? Cleverbot: Because my mom named me Jackie. User: I thought you were ben. Cleverbot: No I'm not. And then later… Cleverbot: Where are your eyes? User: On the statue. Cleverbot: How is it up there? User: I am the elegy of emptiness statue. Cleverbot: You are me. User: BEN? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Is it really you? Cleverbot: No, I'm Michael. You are Charlie. please help me
  2. Man you are so right... SSBB was strange cause it had Snake and hes in a M rated game. but his up+b attack was awesome
  3. RAARGHH!!!! YOU SUCK IF YOU THINK KH 3D WILL FAIL!!! NYAARRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. The only characters I actually think would be cool in SSB are these: Sora Cloud Onion Knight Eevee Link (from Skyward Sword) and Ryu (Street Fighter) They all rock!
  5. It said no double posting but what about TRIPLE posting?
  6. i think its either xemnas OR xehanort's heartless ansem is in radiant garden remember?
  7. um hi i just joined kh 13 yesterday so im kinda new
  8. so ever heard of the cavern of remberance in kh 2? ONLY in final mix:( PS all you kh fans rock
  9. what if vanitas could actually be like your partner?
  10. i just wanna say i think it'd be great to to have kh fm in english. i mean, you can't fight some bosses in regular kh.
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