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About Supdudes

  • Birthday 12/16/1994

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  • Gender
  1. RIP James Avery, thank you for the childhood.
  2. Does anyone know where I canz find a little 8-bit KH2 Sora??

    1. ilias ioannou

      ilias ioannou

      /watch?v=NcocP2-lRhY.There!It's the best I could find,hope you like it:)

  3. You need a more charismatic attitude, I suggest taking improv classes to loosen you up a bit.
  4. 2.5 is going to have a really long abbreviation "KH2.5FMHDRM"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PrinceNoctis


      Why is there an FM?

    3. RoxSox


      KHII.5HDR is the whole abbreviation. It's Remix, not Re Mix, and Final Mix is no where in the title.

    4. Shulk


      What Rox said. :/

  5. 2.5 is good but you know what's better? If you add another 0.5 to dat 2.5.

    1. AROD666


      yeah that would be nice maybe a dlc?

  6. I got Y though I feel like I should'a waited for Z to come out.
  7. Went to school for 13 hours, spends about 2-4 hours doing homework, gets to sit down and relax for 1 hour goes to bed at 12:00 get's 4-5 hours of sleep. Something about this seems wrong.

    1. Enmaa


      What is this, college? DONOTWANT

    2. Supdudes


      Still in High, just working my tale off to get good grades, I want my senior year to be my best.

  8. I find it entertaining to write stories: fairy tales, sci-fi, adventure, ect. One of the best parts of being a child is being imaginative, I suggest you try writing your own story, creating your own world you might have fun, you might be able to recapture some of that child-like wonder.
  9. I'd say keep talking as friends for awhile get to know each other even more to develop your bond. Right now you guys are still pretty young and young love doesn't always last (doesn't mean it can't happen). I'd say go out with him on dates that aren't to personal and try to keep it simple at first. A good age to start dating is about 16-18 because at that age you have more perspective of the world around you. I wouldn't recommend getting to serious at this age, young teens have a tendency to romanticize things. Lastly never ever care about what other people may think about your relationships; listen to your heart (unless he's abusive then you better listen to your friends.) About your parents take it slow, introduce always and make a good first impression (ex. your bf compliments your parents, pulls a chair out for you, never kiss in front of your parents or his and never be alone in a room) build trust between him and your parents to show off a healthy relationship. Also keep this to yourself, don't mention to your parents or friends but... *ahem* um have a condom on him just in case better safe than sorry. 14 and 13, that's not to much of a difference. I'm 18 and my GF is 17.
  10. watch there be a pokemon Z like months later.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shana09


      Unless they make Pokemon Z a sequel.

      Im surprised they haven't thought of that.

    3. Shana09


      Heart Gold was an actual remake, unless you are talking about what game you like.

    4. Gamerazor247


      I know that and yeah I'm talking about the Poke games I like :3

  11. Life lesson: Never ever crash your go-kart into your girlfriend's go-kart because she will get mad and she will slap the ever loving @#$% out of your left arm. X)

  12. I don't think it's the Recusant's sigil, if it was then he would've found Ventus' body by now.
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