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About khdude214

  • Birthday 12/08/1995

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  1. all i need to ask is.......what about the x-blade? I mean, wasnt that a big part of the keyblade war according to xehanort?
  2. Im ready to be done with unchained x......when does 2.8 come out again?

    1. Moochieh32


      Early Dec this year

    2. Kingdomhe


      lol the game won't be done even when 2.8 comes out.

  3. Was browsing the twitterverse and this showed up: https://twitter.com/quintonflynn/status/717347319331422209 EDIT: wrong link
  4. Hey everybody So i decided to rewatch the trailer for 2.8 again. I completely forgot that there was some footage from KHIII at the beginning. And recently I've started learning japanese and so I decided to take a look at the command menu. The first 3 are all normal; Attack, Magic and, Items. But the final one confused me. Its "summons." I was wondering if anyone else caught this. Or, what this means for KH3 since we havent seen any summons yet. Or maybe it is just a place holder. Just thought I'd bring it up.
  5. Ben Diskin did a great young Xehanort.....i think he could do a pretty good Master Xehanort too
  6. imma just add ffvii remake to the list of games that we will see forever and it wont come out......

    1. Pokemoncuzzie


      Nek minnit... nah you're right, we ain't getting it this decade.

  7. happy april the first to all...lets just cut out the middle man so here is Mr. Astley:

  8. ive seen two versions of the leaks...one gives dates for mewtwo in smash and a pokemon rumble game when the other gives nothing regarding mewtwo and a pokemon ranger game.....i dont know what to believe
  9. SAO II english dub in like...NOW MINUTES...I AM SO HYPE RIGHT NOW

    1. Shulk


      It was sooo goood.

    2. khdude214


      it was interesting to see how they change the lines from the japanese...i was a little pissed that there wasnt the little tid bit after ignite were we see Sinon for the first time

  10. just finished an anime so.....everyone! quick! favourite anime!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WakingDawn96


      POKEMON!!!!!!!!! The one and only important anime to get 5,000 movies!

    3. khdude214


      ^ been avoiding it like the plague since forever

    4. WakingDawn96


      It's seriously my favorite anime, but you have to watch it from beginning to end to get a good picture of everything (even if episodes can be non canon at times)

  11. For the longest time I said that I really wanted to go to a college that was far away from home. However, when it came down to it I chose a college that is around 20 min away from home. I contemplated staying at home and saving money but decided against it, at least for the first year. I'm technically not even in a dorm, it's an on campus apartment. Regarding making friends, I found that i made quite a few new "acquaintances" through classes but more friends through extracurricular such as student radio and running club. Although I did make some friends through class those people were mostly just going to class and doing nothing else. One of my best friends, who is a senior is high school, is having some of the same dilemmas and I told him to do what feels right. I recommended that he tried something out of his comfort zone if he was up for it, like living in a dorm with some random roommate. Because, at most universities, you can book only 1 semester of room at a time. Then I told him if he didnt like the first semester then he could change after that and the next year we could get a place together. My advice to you, as cheesy as it is, is to follow what your heart says. And not to push anything. The right thing will come along.
  12. i wasnt hyped for type 0....until now that i learned that it is basically crisis core in nova crysallis and comes with a ffxv demo.....HYPE

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