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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. hey anyone wanna add me as a friend havin trouble gettin good kh fans to talk to
  2. i did this but i got bored fighting tidus and selphie and waka and riku so i moved on to the shadows got to like level 13 or sumtin beat squall then i leveled up to like level 15 then fought the boss i made it to wonder land beat trickmaster didnt stay long bad choice cerberus was a little hard i useually always have troublem wen i first fight him tho
  3. experiment 626 (stiches name in bbs)
  4. i like dissidia duodecim my favorite charecter out of all the sries wuld have to be cloud or sephiroth
  5. get ready xemnas it all ends here!-sora b4 he fight xemnas.
  6. favorite itd have to b......pete cus hes got a certain way of fighting wich makes him easy and i like rowdy rumble least favorite wuld have to b malifecent i never likled how she was in kh1 but in kh2 it was cool how she stayed back to fight nobodies
  7. its hard to decdide i love all the games............. o i know in bbs wen ur ven or aqua and i sit there spamming the dodge roll against the mysteriouse figure :mellow:
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