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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. thtd b pretty cool haha wat if he had a lolipop?
  2. haha i didnt word it correctly and he asked do u pick the light or the darkness?
  3. exactly if nomura red these he might no wat not to do in the futre!
  4. dont know if id call it personal but if u were stuck there and a man came up to u held out a hand and light appeared and the other had darkness wat wuld u pick? me id pick the light!
  5. haha i cant help it it just comes up all my life ive had ideas story lines here time to let em rip!!!
  6. i came up with kingdom hearts crossovers and i said tht wat bout halo? well first of all alot of us say NO! but wat do u think i say no shooter wisdom form is as close as im getting!
  7. hey riku at first pretty intemidating but once he stayed behinde at the door i wuld trust him wit my life!
  8. K http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png so many nice people on here!
  9. yah but just like pirhates of the carabian the change some of tht but yah shooters + kh= I F***IN QUIT!!!
  10. hmmm does he have blonde hair?
  11. me i wuld give up my kh games but id fight along side sora and riku just like donald and goofy with sora id also make sure to travle to every world i possibly culd and level up by staying on destiny island and fighting riku (kh1 refrence) u know sum times i wonder if sora and riku actually do do tht O.o sorry 4 all the abbriviations
  12. yah hes got the darkness wich probally makes him like th coolest but since sora is the main charecter nomura makes sora stronger but in a real battle no holding back any one culd win....awesome... is he important to the kingdom hearts story line or culd he have been left out and the story still make sense?
  13. even wen i was little i wished i was sora bashing heartsless well now its time to hear wat u wuld do to b in kh and wat u wuld do!
  14. does he follow the way to dawn?
  15. go ahead lol i think it was spell binder and sumtin else i already 4got lol
  16. doese he have gray or silver hair how ever u want to call it
  17. haha haha yaaah female or male?
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