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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. k so first rp topic im making so lets make a story add on like on person makes a sentance then some one doese another it takes place after the xehanort series a boy with spikey brown hair is sitting on a poupu tree watching the ocean. "YAWN- man..." it was none other than sora.
  2. its just fun to tal bout nice and dissidia is really fun it was originally suposed to b a kh game blieve it or not
  3. yep! i also wuldve accepted "get ready xemnas.... it all ends here!" from wen its the final battle
  4. yah but wat IF there wer others how do u think they wuld change like halo lol
  5. haha other than wats in it like disney and ff although it fits perfect hmmm how wuld infamouse sound in it?
  6. haha same here so wat did sora say BEFORE he fought xemnas?
  7. im wondering wat good video game crossovers wuld match with kingdom hearts
  8. ive beat him in kh 1 go to certain sites they have ways and unknown GOD took me 4ever well he was easier than lingering spirit vanitas for me but any way ur turn
  9. kh 4eva!

    1. Koko




    2. Kyle Clegg

      Kyle Clegg

      koko u LIE if there was no kingdom hearts life wuldnt exsist


    3. Koko



    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. o srry umm hoos was ur hardest boss in kh? the first
  11. well idk experimenting i guesse so hoos first?
  12. im experimenting on wat a kh truth or dare wuld b like whos ready for a game?
  13. this is 4 master aqua in kh 2 in wat world does sora get slugged? for lightnig xiii wat is the name of soras island? (easy) haha its ok i try to give easy ones want a hard one instead lol
  14. well even tho it wasnt ur question u can join
  15. wuld u like to join this group
  16. yah so lets tell more people u can give the questions to the people u find organazation savy?
  17. k wat does kairi give sora in kh 1 in traverse town in the underground sewer
  18. haha cool i hope u get it the silent hero u wanna join this club? coorect numberxiii.roxas u r here forth the first member lol
  19. nah i mean ill make a question nd u can join k for numberXIII.Roxas wats the main charecter for kh named
  20. ill give a question and u can join this group itll b bout every kh game or up coming ones and sweet memories or anything bout kh its my first club
  21. ive made this in honor of ddd coming out its open to all get the right ansewer and u can join please b fair u can take up to 10 questions a day if u dont make it
  22. yah i had the one with vaan not so fun i traded it for credit instead i liked it at first but then it got to hard so i got bored
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