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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. cus ven asked sora to share his heart knowing sora he said yes well wen sora lost his heart kairi got hers and roxas was born i think the whole ven thing had sum tin to do wit it i think both k does the person have a heart?
  2. thts a perfect thought......lets give it to nomura! lol
  3. i got the ultima im not quite sure wat im missing i even got all the treasure cards..
  4. ..... anyone? o ok is it a person?
  5. hoo wants to ask a question first? ur ready to ask a question or b asked?
  6. of course anyone can join at any time http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  7. k...........im ready star askin me questions!!!
  8. k ill think of a kh item or person u guesse 20 times u know wanna join koko?
  9. yah ff wuld b there if not id have to have micrsoft for lack of good sony games
  10. can some one help need 2 more attack cards hoo has em all?
  11. mmm yah sound bout right wat bout......pokemon lol
  12. so some say life wuld be bad some think its good hoo wants to vote?
  13. all hail koko!

  14. umm if u have kh days fight dustflier level 1 if not if u have bbs do unknown or lingering spirit vanitas just the hardest boss in the games
  15. thanks buddy id hate it! thts comin from the person hoo has 2 dudes kissing so
  16. hoos ur favorite charecter? i dare u to fight sephiroth in kh 1 then post a pic on here showin the result wats ur fav key blade
  17. id probally take a mixure of like the kingdom key and the gun blade called the key blade- the gun key thts better
  18. yah shooting um no but the chain saw lol love it imagine if they put a game like infamouse in imagine the keyblade
  19. yaaah so how bout....... crash bandicoot really old game lol
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