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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. yah some just to do it like fighting the dustflier in days level one and showing the result of battle.
  2. k if u have kh1 beat sephiroth i wanna see other people do it other than me!
  3. k one thing i wanna announce first 4 every one if u cant get ur computer to work with down loading pics like me u r still free to challenge people
  4. hey i was thinkin of a game and may b this one might kick off its called fun and games. its where u take a challenge to do some stunt in kh from some one then post a picture on how well it went. idk how well it will work buut lets try it!
  5. well ive learned some dont one of them is the forum members but o well
  6. well hoo doesnt haha so wats ur favorite kingdom hearts
  7. i liked the game but i traded it for sumtin else along with days
  8. hey im back for more topics! this one is on the people hoo really like kh and want to have a chat room with others like that.
  9. well ive had enough 4 the day night see u all some other time enjoy the site ^_^

  10. useually tht works....for a while
  11. AW man i love reaction commands just need one more i need to reaction a neo shadow i know the comand name just ive never did the command
  12. so wats ur favorite drive form i havnt got to play the final mix although i want to so i know little about the limit form except for the costume so my favorite is anti form
  13. really well if it was like infamous i wuld complete wat i culd then restart haha
  14. yes amazing it was to use its magic but final form tops it and limit forms wat i thinks the best.
  15. yah i didnt know at first haha k so i got one go ahead
  16. no music like shuffle albums if albums which albums
  17. haha really? i saw a fan art some one made and it showed sora said wanted to save his friends didnt f*** give a firetruck bout his parents lol nice way wich ever one works i guesse
  18. i know wat u mean bout twilight town i have a key board and its on my list of songs to learn got a favorite feature?
  19. yes dad has taught me how to throw people out of a car...i only wish he used a dummy instead of me....
  20. alot of us have been on kh music well wats ur favorite kh song and wats ur favorite feature? my song is rowdy rumble feature SHUFFLE!
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