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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. leon! hes got a blade thts a gun! xehanort or mickey?
  2. yah pretty much kinda like its a kingdom hearts form of war but waaaaay better
  3. its been on my mind alot should kh b a tv show my ansewer yes!
  4. vanitas hes way much darker than riku sorry riku sora or terra?
  5. id like to hear tht fanfiction and i know kh wont end it just cant!
  6. well idk he culd b trickin us lol wats ur favorite keyblade guys mine in order is oblivion oathkeeper and kingdom key
  7. guys im back in buessiness i might not b on long or as often but im still gunna get posts goin!!!!!

    1. Koko


      dont spam

  8. omg i thought bout tht but i thought noo cant be it but now i see thank u!
  9. ive got my own thinkin about y roxas looks like ven but wat do u think i think its got to do with how ven and sora shared hearts.
  10. wow so wat do u think on how roxas looks like ven
  11. yah i dont like ven cus he sounds so much like a kid even tho the same person plays his voice
  12. yah id do both cus it might end differently
  13. yah thts pretty cool but i cant wait till this series ends cus then i can feel happy bout all kh charecters happy ending then new series wich they shuld put sephy as a main boss so hes easier
  14. yah but its cool tho like to choose if u wanna b on the darkside or light or like riku
  15. a mix between sora and roxas and riku theyd be an awesome team together cus sora and riku alredy r throw roxas in then man thtd b cool. u?
  16. anyone got any good ideas for a kh game like a name story feature enemy ect.?
  17. hoo wuldnt want to go in there i mean its darkness the sighn of amazing stuff in the game!
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