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Kyle Clegg

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Everything posted by Kyle Clegg

  1. Does any one know if u use the analog to move camera in kh 1 in the remix?
  2. Thanks i was hoping there was a date
  3. When is the kh 1.5 coming out!?! Is there q specific date yet? Ik its coming out in fall this year but Idk if there's a specific date. Help?
  4. she shuld b in the game with a keyblade mayb even if we get lucky u culd have riku AND kairi as teamates in the kh3
  5. hey who else cant wait for kingdom hearts 3?!?! im wondering what new worlds itll have
  6. alright ive just been really confused on wat other people have been tellng me
  7. how many of you got the secret cut scene for this game im having trouble i've been told you have to beat the game on proud twice and critical once is that true?
  8. thanks guys im saving up for i got $1 and some cents saved up its gunna b a lllooooonnng way to go
  9. hey guys sadly i dont have a 3ds so i have no use for kh 3d yet but b4 i but one any of u think its worth it? (please no spoilers just in case i like it)
  10. i dont care really as long as it comes out and i hoope i get to play as all of them again because it feels like if we dont then it wont b as much fun
  11. hmmm i only see white through the whole video.....
  12. does any one know where a good game shark or code breaker disc is i rerally want one
  13. im here!!!... but theres no one to talk to :( some one wanna talk?

  14. i luv games but not enough to play and not eat or drink poor man
  15. hoo thinks sephiroth shuld b in kh as a main charecter i do i think itd b pretty cool.
  16. if they get rid of tarzan i wuldnt care much cus i got the old game but still.....
  17. im gunna get it asap i reeeaaally want the MoM edition tho!
  18. hey idc if they get it first as long as we get the game rite?
  19. yah after xion hoo was really hard but challenging i was sure the last boss wuld b a challenge but then i saw he was actuallly easy
  20. i like it so far writer in the making here!
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