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Pavlovic Sarah

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Everything posted by Pavlovic Sarah

  1. well said~ now i have to read the other reports as well (´;ω;`)
  2. thank you x3 i said i am lazy, did not i? lol but when it is there i have to read it! ><
  3. strange~ i still think the aqua thing is more logical but well nomura has his own logic lol maybe i should read the ansem report and import the final mix games .... but i am so lazy (T_T)
  4. aww a subbed game is awesome!! i want to play it just one time to see how good the subs are x3 (uhmm .. hate the region lock...)
  5. aww i am in love with Dragon Ball SD <3

  6. 最近のはやり: ご飯+肉+チーズ+焼き鳥ソース!!ブッチ上手い(≧▽≦)

    1. Pavlovic Sarah

      Pavlovic Sarah

      it means i am obsessed with: rice+meat+cheese+yakitori sauce!! extremely yummy <3

    2. Emrys


      oh. but i was close

    3. Pavlovic Sarah

      Pavlovic Sarah

      well i wrote it in my dialect so yeah pretty close ^__-

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. maybe it is just me but i donot think he is a villian ... i think he is there to prevent them from sth bad Oo...
  8. it is the one which was releasd today, as i said i sent my lovely boyfriend (since KH DDD had to be released he has a lot to do ww) and he found it but there won't be any AR-Cards in the Weekly Shonen Jump. The one who translated the magazin was not right lol It says that one of the 3 rear characters will be obtained with the first press edition of KH DDD, (as we heard befor.) Therefore no AR-Cards yet. sorry (;_; (
  9. the text is pretty the same as the one from the famitsu weekly http://kh13.com/forum/topic/30434-kingdom-hearts-3d-in-famitsu-weekly-radiant-garden-the-grid/ there are some additions. the additions are the parts which we was not able to read because of the reflection etc.
  10. Do you know which Issue-Nr./Date of the Weekly Shonen Jump will contain the AR Cards? I will ask my boyfriend to buy it and then post the AR Cards here. btw: it is not wondermeow it is キングダニャン - Kinguda Nya - Kingdom Meow!! all of the 3 cards are rear characters and by buying the Shonen Jump will obtain just 1 of the 3 characters!
  11. uhmm ... there is no point in staying awake when there won't be a live-stream (_) maybe a video afterwards? Oo ..
  12. Book & Game 2 : 0 Me (_)

  13. oh this was bad ........ i regret playing the game because of this ending (_)
  14. We donot know who is he adressing Oo ... maybe riku maybe sora~
  15. i am the only one who have problems with the KH13-Chat? Oo' ...

  16. 心折れそう...ホンマにヤバイ...(´;ω;`)

  17. uhhmm ... pretty strange japanese? lol ... i am not sure if a native japanese (who donot know KH) would understand it Oo" (i think the above mentioned japanese sentence is lacking of sense...) "i knew it was you, xehanort! micky! there you free the mind from the pain and i will end him. Donot listen to him because he is going to from the X-Blade. Show me my keybladepower which remains/is within in sora. I will remove all your anger."
  18. i want a new Dragon Ball season! Vegeta T__T i miss my old animes<3

    1. Weedanort


      Dragon Ball's over.


      I hate to admit it, but the creator of Dragon Ball said so.

    2. Pavlovic Sarah

      Pavlovic Sarah

      i know T___T and this is the problem ...

  19. ps2 in germany, dsi is not working, 3DS is going to be in the bundle, PSP without battery .... WHY?!?

  20. still not in bed x3 ... what is the best way to become sleepy? ><

    1. HarLea Quinn
    2. Pavlovic Sarah

      Pavlovic Sarah

      i read all my books T_T ... moreover i cannot stop until i am finished it!

      but jumping around was a nice idea (●^ー^●)

  21. From the very beginning i liked the japanese dubs + english subs more ^__^ now i am watching it without subs, just japanese dubs~ it helped me a lot to improve my japanese (ok i was watching 20% anime/80% drama)
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