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Everything posted by WerXand-XV

  1. you know you fail at kingdom hearts your gummi ship runs out of feul in the middle of flight cuz you never filled up before take off
  2. granted, you're only smart when you're high now I wish for a fedora that can magically store an infinite amount of stuff in side of it, and i cant fall into it and can pull anytnig i put in there out any time i want
  3. *gets you drunk and marries you to the real lady gaga
  4. another year come and gone...seeing my little brothers and sister growing up makes me feel old

  5. Granted, you lose horribly to all of us I wish for all my wishes again but for them to not go wrong
  6. You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts when you join Organization XIII and they don't give you a new name or a number
  7. You fail at Kingdom Hearts when you lose your Keyblade and get locked out of your house
  8. Granted,i beat your skull in with a can can monster I wish for Ragna the Bloodedge's sword and coat
  9. Granted, you put on a white sheet with eye holes cut out. I wish Liz or Patty would go missing while Kid is fighting so he OCD's and has an asymmetric tizzy
  10. aww...thnx http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  11. Not only is it New Year's Eve, but it's also my friend's B-day, she moved to Colorado, so I just wants to say happy b-day to her here on KH13.*HAPPY B-DAY!!X3*



      O_O, She moved to colorado? owo, cool I live there. where to? Denver? Colorado Spings?

    2. WerXand-XV


      dunno, was a while ago when she moved, just thought i'd be nice and wish her a happy b-day

  12. Granted, but now you hate chocolate I wish for the power to wield unlimited amount of swords
  13. Name:Shadows & Light Strength:25 Magic:25 Appearance:Same as Way to the Dawn but the wings are switched so the angel wing is the blade, same with the guard, colored with black and purple instead of red and blue. Keychain is made of 3 dark grey links in the shape of hexagons, the piece on the end is a small diamond grasped in a demon's talons Ability:Takes advantage of an enemies weakness, and raises attack or magic based on the defense and magic defense of the enemy A Keyblade of the darkness, and the light that casts that darkness as well. Very balanced, it'll serve you well in battle, especially when in time of dire need
  14. I've been thinking about what you guys of said for a while. To "learn how love myself" is some of the best advice I've ever gotten. It's a little hard for me to do that, cuz there isn't that much to love in the first place, and that's why I felt the way I did when I realized that she could be happier with someone else. I'm not the guy that every girl thinks is cute or good looking, I'm not the cool or popular kid, nothing really interesting about me. So when I heard that she liked me back, I thought it was a dream come true. There was no reason for her to like me, nothing they would in any way interest her in me, so that's why I felt like it was selfish to like her and want to be with her, she liked when there was nothing to like, and I didn't deserve it
  15. wacthing 3 kids is very tiring, especially when one of them is supported to be helping

  16. Banned cuz you're wrong, you and i are still here
  17. Granted, but it wasn't caught by you yet so I threw a Master Ball and now is mine I wish my Scizor from SoulSilver case into the real world
  18. *destroys your world, now it really doesn't exist Amuse me...NOW!!!!
  19. FIRES MAH LAZOR!!!!!!!!! I command you...amuse me now!!
  20. OMIGOD!!!!!!! guess what? Its my birthday!! Time to celebrate!! X3

    1. Kello


      Happy Birthday <3

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