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Everything posted by Vivi111

  1. OMG, first to comment on chpt. 2, i read chapter one b4 but i couldn't comment on how good it was cuz, i was in vietnam with a broken laptop and screws up every other minute. *headdesk*
  2. i'm not a mgs fan(my bro is) i'm a kh fan but you've made an excellent point so Raiden.
  3. no, maybe i'll just buy a normal 3ds with the game separately, cuz the DDD edition of the 3ds seems too expensive and the box isn't worth it cuz i already have Days and coded isn't worth it and i think this is aimed at people who have a 3ds already and never played the ds games before cuz of the kh edition 3ds cover and all the ds games. My cousin is getting the Zelda version of the 3ds, i wonder if that's cheaper the the kh version
  4. hm, the bundle seem's interesting but can't you get the kh 3d 3ds with kh 3d game only or do you have to buy the kh 3d 3ds and the game separately

  5. oh and one more thing, wouldn't be cool if they made a KH Theatrythm, cuz kh music is awesome, and if you don't like the idea... don't..judge... me...........k bye!
  6. i'm back home again

  7. sore's heart was born at the same time as ven's heart was reborn. so sora was coincidentally there when ven's heart was broken. an probably his heart was full of light to let other ppl in or something, and the kingdom key is like the default key blade
  8. i don't get it, when we order the bundle now, do we get the japanese version and the 10th anniversary box? can we the the english version bundle now, if not when? and do we also get the 10th anniversary box
  9. got t1cket5 to c v1deo game5 orche5tra

  10. Granted, but it starts attacking you. I wish the world didn't end before kh3 come out.
  11. "They'll never know about this song cuz they're so far away" -that's why we have the internet and social networking sites and i'm proud to Australian/Asian
  12. It's like 4 am here and i can't sleep, maybe it's the coffee my bro gave me yesterday. Just got bitten by a mosquito>:0

    1. merliahsummers


      Are you thinking of anything? Not thinking helps my family sleep

    2. Vivi111


      I am going to overseas today. But most likely the coffee

    3. merliahsummers
    4. Show next comments  45 more
  13. Bronies FTW And 1:31 is the true Mark of Mastery
  14. wow, i expected better, you know, considering how close they are to Japan
  15. I know, we've been helping them, can't they lend us a hand.
  16. that is so true, she's like a mini philosopher, why can't girls buy boys toys. well personally i think it doesn't matter if a toy is for a boy or a girl, as long as it's fun. Just like videos games. Why can't a girl play Modern Warfare or Halo. They're fun right and a boys has as much right to play Princess Rpg if it's fun.
  17. Just found out the Somoa moved their timeline so instead of being the last country to have new year , it will be the first

    1. Sora96


      Only they can.

    2. replika13


      thats kinda weird... they move their timeline just to be first ones in new year instead of last? i dont see any sense in that!

    3. Sora96


      It's not because of that. It's because where they are in the world.

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  18. You fail at kh if you choose "liver-pepper ice-cream" instead of "sea-salt ice- cream" in khi
  19. OMG, if ven is going to be here i'm gonna be so happy. Even though it's unlikely, where did you get this.
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