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Everything posted by Izzo

  1. hooray!!!! oh wait i dont read kigndom hearts manga
  2. riku? after all this time? always
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHYwXTIevw4 this gets me everytime. the comments lol
  4. i used to procrastinate, but eventually i realized that it isnt firetrucking worth it. all the god damn stress it causes, and then it just ends being a piece of shit. now i just make sure that before i do anything to relax (aka videogames, watch movies, aka something will take up hours) i make sure that all my work is done or at least started
  5. me and my two good friends were those guys that were really nerdy (played videogames, loved star wars/fantasy games) but still pretty popular. i mean we werent homecoming king and queen, but we got along with basically everyone maybe do to the drugs
  6. yessss, i agree. they are the only three (organization members) that have this if i recall, and we know that it is a sign of strong darkness. we know why xemnas and xigbar have it, but why saix? believe me, i do not think isa/saix is even close to being done in the series lol
  7. i will probably play games, just not like i did when i was a kid or teenager. i probably wont play xbox live every night, or go on binges like i used to where i would literally play all day. i hope that i can find some time to play though lol
  8. xigbar found marluxia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD_recdbNkg look at about 1:20 in, probably not what you were hoping for though lol. i dont think there is any story behind it, in game anyway.
  9. well i hope it turns out for you!
  10. i feel like sephiroth is considered the hardest boss at least that what my friends and i agreed on lol. we all had trouble with that bastard
  11. i know they kinda all have different cloaks styles, particular sleeves, shoulders and length differs on each members. as to how they lost their hearts, i dont know. i feel like isa and lea are tied togethor, and we know that marluxia is somehow tied to xigbar (he found him). as for the others, i dont even think we get a hint lol. im really curious on isa and lea though, particular isa. HOW DID HE GET THAT SCAR!!!!!!!!!!
  12. true. its school, this will work.
  13. these three will happen, eventually. probably this one (idk about toy story though, hopefully lol)
  14. this happened quite a few time back at my high school. once there was pics of the girl who lost it on it (lets just say "flattering" pics). anyways they were usually settled outside of school, the person usually gave it back. this sucks though lol there really isnt anyway to see if it is yours. just hope that she didn't delete anything and it backfires on her lol btw this is ridiculous on the school's part, they should have believed you right off the bat. who the hell would make up that someone stole a flashdrive. sooo dumb. a flashdrive is worth nothing but to the person who owns the files on it. stupid dean
  15. no, but i did in the past, back when: a. i was a candy-ass b. i had dial-up and didnt really understand the internet lol
  16. bbs v2 is tough. i dont really know when they would do it. ven's story is over for now, as is terra's. the only one that is left open is aqua, and a game of just aqua in the realm of darkness would suck. mickey is another possibility, but i cant see a game just about those two. i agree with shana on this one, they would have to expand. then again, that wouldn't really be bbs v2, now would it lol
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