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Everything posted by Izzo

  1. walking dead was so good. y the last man was another one i recently finished (finally) i was always a marvel guy deep down, but this does not surprise me. dc just has better stuff out right now it seems. i haven't really been into this scene for a LONG LONG time though, so yea
  2. they put one foot in front of the other. and soon they were walking out that door
  3. a long time.........they are single player games lol. i can only play them so much
  4. 240p. not knowing what im looking at really helps to grow my imagination.
  5. axel............ wait a minute. i already posted in this. damn necroposts
  6. yea i meant main game, like a "grey" version or a ruby/sapphire remake even.
  7. im hoping yen sid is revealed mroe in this game. i wanna see him kick ass lol. i dont care if it is his present form, or in a flashback in his world. I WANNA SEE IT
  8. mmmmm. i think this theory has too little evidence. it is possible though. i feel like it will be xehanort
  9. neither sounds good to me. i will probably eventually get ff xii-2, i cant lie. but i hope to wait till it goes down in price.
  10. i like the lulu one very much, needs more boobs lol jk the christmas one is sooooo good. damn
  11. that is damn impressive
  12. this makes more sense. i like teh video though http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png i namine
  13. do you know what would be hot. aqua's extracted darkness
  14. i used to like to say my number was 867-5309. it took some people a couple seconds lol
  15. i feel like a new game should have been announced by now NOT saying this is it lol. not even a little
  16. this is awesome, i always loved lego star wars, and lego batman was good. now i can be other dc heros!!!!! sign me up
  17. its weird seeing actual people singing these songs. anyone else feel that way lol
  18. this needs to be said more often lol. this is not lucas on star wars, or rowling on harry potter. he is not the sole "creator" if you will. square enix has interests, and they could give a rats ass what nomura thinks if THEY think it could make THEM money. deal with it that being said, i cant see marvel in these games lol. possible though
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