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Everything posted by Izzo

  1. congrats to probably the best developer in the world, on par with blizzard and nintendo. always good to see Japanese companies doing well after the earthquake. hopefully they will use this money to develop kh3 ;D
  2. another vote for leechgrave and ruler of the sky. those were so bad. i think leechgrave takes the cake though, he would just hit so hard. and it took forever.
  3. this is a cool idea. i think it could fit the story of kh3, if it goes where everyone thinks it is going. i could definitely see him sneaking in for a couple fights against xehanort and what not. i REALLY like the sora riku and mickey idea.
  4. im new here, so please someone correct me if i am in the wrong board. i know some forums really take offense to that. anyway i was wondering if anyone else thought that young sora is probably the cutest thing on earth. i am a straight male, i dont even like babies or kids that much to be honest, but this kid so too damn cute. anyone agree? evidence: ^one of my favorite cutscenes btw ^when aqua meets sora and riku for the first time
  5. i found you guys on youtube through your cutscenes. good work on those btw.
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