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Everything posted by Keyblade101

  1. Just watched the scene in Arc-V where Yuto summons Dark Rebellion in his duel with Shingo. I had the audio muted while also playing Yuto's Passionate Soul and imagined that it was Yugo dueling and summoning Clear Wing instead and OH MAN IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!

  2. I loved this first episode and can't wait for episode 2. :smile: No duel for the first episode IS different, I'll admit, but it just gets us pumped for next week when the duel starts. :smile:
  3. Ever since I first saw the latest Disney movie Moana I have loved it and have wondered what it would be like in KH3. Down below I have some questions for all of you and I'll have my own answers in bold. If Moana were a world in KH3: 1. What do you think the name of the world would be? I honestly can't think of a name for the world at this time. 2. What song from the movie would you want as the normal walking around field music, and which song would be the battle music? I would love the field theme to be Moana's song "How Far I'll Go", as for the battle music I'm not too sure. And as a side note I'd LOVE to hear some kind of mix of "You're Welcome" when we first meet Maui! I LOVE that song so much! :smile: :smile: :smile: 3. Which locations from the movie would you like to be able to visit? I would like to be able to visit every location that was shown in the movie, it just looks so beautiful and I'd love to be able to explore it all. :smile: 4. Who would you want as the party member for the world: Moana with her boat ore and the ocean assisting her, or Maui with his giant fishhook that helps him shapeshift into anything? I honestly can't choose between them, so what if there was a thing were you could switch between them both as party members? :smile: 5. What would you want the Heartless to look like, (describe them)? Given that the majority of the movie takes place near or in the ocean, I think there should be a good amount of aquatic Heartless, similar to what there was in the KH1 version of Atlantica.
  4. I'm done with my finals for this semester!!!!

    1. Exiblade7


      I still have three more to go!

    2. Keyblade101
    3. Exiblade7

  6. THE BANDAGED MAN!!!!!!!!!! WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This is such a great story so far and I LOVE your music choices! Keep going! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  7. I just got my PS4 Slim today!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to play it!!!!!!!!!

    1. BlankShell


      Nice. Enjoy the five hours of updates first, though =P.

    2. Keyblade101


      Actually it was only about 25 minutes :)


      I'm playing 0.2 BbS and it looks SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  8. KAIRI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Riku, Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Roxas, Lea, and even though she's not on the list Xion.
  9. I just found out last night that Sony announced they're going to be releasing 1tb PS4 Slims the end of this month!!!!! This solves my debate!!!! I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!

  10. I'm debating on whether to get a ps4 slim and upgrade it from 500gb to 1tb as soon as I get it or to just get a ps4 pro.

    1. BlankShell


      I have a regular PS4, and I'm debating on upgrading the harddrive or just going for the Pro and having two for different places. I think the Pro is the best choice in the end.

  11. I always thought that Terra was 18/19, Aqua was 17/18, and Ventus was 14/15.
  12. Playing the Stroke of Midnight Materials mission and DANG that's a lot of materials to collect!!

  13. WHOA! If I didn't know any better I'd say that this was the real official menu art! You've truly got talent! It's a great mix of the KH1 and KH2 arts and I LOVE it!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  14. Yeah! In fact, part of my reasoning to love Anti-Hero Vanitas comes from your Keyblade War Trilogy :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Also, I've loved the Anti-Hero character since I first saw Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. Have you ever seen either show? I highly recommend, and they have comics continuing the story after the shows ended. :smile:
  15. I agree!!!!! Anti-Hero Vanitas!!!! Anti-Hero Vanitas!!!! Anti-Hero Vanitas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  16. I sure hope it goes that way. :smile: Btw, that is an AWESOME signature picture you have. :smile:
  17. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! I'd LOVE to hear that BEAUTIFUL orchestrated music in KH3! Especially the Ventus section of the Heroes and Heroines portion! Ventus's section of that was so powerful; in my opinion much more powerful than the original version of his theme, which is saying something! :smile: And if they do decide to use the orchestrated music, I hope that they use Ventus's orchestrated theme in KH3 when he FINALLY wakes up!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  18. I'm excited for this update, I really am, but what about the missions that we all know happen before the update? We've only made it to Quest 570, while the JP version is all the way up to Quest 665; which apparently leads right into the update to Union X[cross]. Shouldn't we be getting those missions before Union X[cross] happens or would we be getting them after the update for whatever reason?
  19. Great couple of chapters. Can't wait for more backstory. :smile: Who is the bandage-faced man????
  20. I'd have to say Adult Tidus. I'd like to get some payback for him beating me sometimes in KH1. Shuyin wouldn't be a bad secret boss either.
  21. This story is really interesting so far. Can't wait for the next chapter. :smile: P.S. Sorry I haven't been commenting lately, I've been a bit swamped with school. I seriously can't wait for Spring Break in a couple weeks.
  22. Uh-oh I heard Ardyn's theme in the latest chapter! Does that mean we're gonna be getting an Ardyn Izunia-esque villain in this story??????? :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
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