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Phillip Flowerchild

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About Phillip Flowerchild

  • Birthday 05/07/1994

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  • Member Title
    The guy that complains too often...
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  1. every enemy on Sora's story in Chain of Memories. They aren't particularly hard per se, but I hate CoM so much even killing a shadow is a chore.
  2. because it is a deadly place with the scariest animals alive all trying to kill you :|
  3. I want a SoraxRiku kiss. Even if its just accidental, I would love it so much. (never gonna happen) DX
  4. Persona 4. I haven't beat it yet and have already gotten 100+ hours of gameplay.
  5. I'm happy about the HD Remake, but I'll be ecstatic if a US release was announced
  6. I either want an HD remake or another side game. Just something KH related to bide my time. Because 3D is not that good for replaying...maybe BBS2?! that would make me super happy ^^
  7. maybe oswald is kingdom hearts http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
  8. Sora: I hate Riku's new haircut except i hate his tiny regular block
  9. at the Grid as Riku do the Light Cycle thing. Again.
  10. Haha I'm doing the same thing ^^ the ten levels every world I want to keep them as even as possible ^^
  11. I wish I could go, too bad I'm on the other side of the Earth
  12. Does anyone know when KH3D comes out in South Korea? >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kirie


      I think..

    3. Sora96


      Would hate to live in South Korea.

    4. Phillip Flowerchild

      Phillip Flowerchild

      I hope it comes out at that time, but there is no news for it here OTL I love my country, but we need more KH >.<

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