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Robert Richard Romero

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Everything posted by Robert Richard Romero

  1. Sorry I had to leave but I was not feeling good right now Ami Im sorry Stay Safe Ami and I love you Buddy!! *waves goodbye since Im sick*

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      What happened? Are you okay Robert? =o And by the way, how was your basketball game? *hugs you*

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      The team didn't show up and I was feeling so sick I thought I was going to puck. I was feeling so bad but I was top scorer. Today we lost though but we are 1-1 anyway but were off the tournament.

  2. Its crazy. Why you ask? Because I get Michael Jordan's number and the number I wanted anyway, Either I'm lucky or they know my gift.

  3. Hey Ami still am sorry for not trying to stay up to see you, You know I would stay up for you and talk to you but I have practice I just made the team and well I had a little party going on for a while for the big thing and well I wasn't having to much fun because I was thinking of you. Xivi/Xion/Ami, I wish you still were here in Los Angeles but I know you are still in my heart so your never away from me. Anyway, I just wanted to say again Good Night but probably when you get this well t...

    1. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      ....then be safe and あなたの日は幸せでいっぱいかもしれません

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key


    3. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      I used Japanese Translator, I did this for her


  5. Hey Dude whats up

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Hey bro. I'm good thanks, and yourself? *hugs you* :)

  6. Hey Ami I have been thinking about you and When I took a nap I had a crazy dream about you. I tell you that later ok. So anyway Ami wish I could be on longer but I have practice tom again so anyway Ami I miss you so very much and I will try to be on longer on Friday and Weekends. *hugs you tight* Good Night or if your on later Good Morning and Hello and Good Bye Ami Love and Miss you Buddy!!! :D I have a feelings we will see each other again. Bye Xivi/Xion/Ami :D:)))))

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      LOL Bro, what is that last smiley? Is that supposed to be a lot of chins? LOL, anyways bro, how are you? *hugs you* And how are you Ami, my cute and darling litte Xivi? *hugs Ami tight and kisses her passionately* <3

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Its a big smile a very great good smile

  7. Has anyone ever have the feeling Your a walking battery! I know I do with my lightning!!!

  8. Ami I tried to stay for you but my tiredness beat me. I am sorry and that I will try to stay up next time or I hope you will come tomorrow. Good Night Ami *hugs you* I miss you I hope to hear from you Ami. :)

  9. Ami I tried to stay for you but my tiredness beat me. I am sorry and that I will try to stay up next time or I hope you will come tomorrow. Good Night Ami *hugs you* I miss you I hope to hear from you Ami. :)

    1. Kirie


      You stayed up all night to try to talk to me, Robert..?

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Yes I did but with my basketball practices at high school at 6am I have to be in bed early so I get some rest for practice. I feel very bad not staying up talking to you Ami. Im sorry but this is going to help me get fit and make me go into varsity. I sound so selfish but Im sorry Ami I will try to do this on my day offs. Love you Buddy :D *hugs you very tight*

    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Don't worry Robert, I haven't forgotten about you! *hugs you* And Ami honey, I'm sorry that I don't come online at midnight like I used to do a few weeks ago. It's because Mom now always takes away my internet when I finish using it. I'm sorry Ami baby. I love you!!! And I hope to talk to you real soon!!! *hugs you tight and kisses you passionately* <3

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. I feel so........ Sad and Bad inside. Why?

    1. *Rikku*
    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      I dont know its like my heart hurts for some reason.

    3. Roxie

  12. Poor Oklahoma City Thunder, They should have won and I am still proud to be an Oklaoma City Thunder fan because they still made it to te Finals along beating three old championship teams.

    1. Robert Richard Romero
    2. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      OKC put up a good fight but miami was to hungry. Plus the kinda gave up much props to both teams though

    3. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Yeah but there is a next year so they will be prepared

  13. Hello There Mysterious Person X3 Just kidding Hahaha!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Oh well not right now but when are you coming back?

    3. axellover01


      idk when ever i have my laptop. i have been out with my friends latley


    4. axellover01


      maybe around 8 0r 9


    5. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Dude.......... *Pokes you*

    1. Imoore4


      *Grabs you back here*

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      No No Let her go she has the right to go Its her choice

    3. Imoore4


      Oohhh but I want her stay!:'(

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Ami it has been almost a week which is the longest week I have gone without you here I miss you dearly and I hope to see you very soon I miss you very, very, very, very, very, very much!!!! I wish you were here right now because I need you more then ever. So I will try and see you today when you come on late. I love you Ami my pal and I hope to see you tonight to talk to you if the Slow Internet is not in the way of us talking together. Bye Ami Missing you Day 10. *hugs you ti...

    1. Kirie


      I miss you aswell..just take it easy...lol x3

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Wow man, you are sweet, and lol, just like Ami says, take it easy. xD GROUP HUG! *group hugs you both* :D

    3. Kirie


      Another stalker! O.O

  16. I miss you so much Ami please talk to me when you come on I need to talk to you Ami Because I miss talking to my favorite girl. Hope to see you Tom!!! Bye Ami :) *hugs you tightly* Have a Nice Sleep and a Nice Day Tom!!

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Robert, thanks for being such a good friend with me and Ami, we really appreciate your friendship! :)

    2. Robert Richard Romero
    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      GROUP HUG! *group hugs you both!* :D

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. Hey Man this is great Its great seeing fans like you and me write stories about how Kingdom Hearts should be. Keep up what your doing because you will become a good writer someday!!!
  18. Oklahoma City Thunder wins Now onto Game 2!!! LETS GO THUNDER!!!!!!

    1. Rob


      THUNDER UP!!!!


    1. Rob



    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      YEAH!!!!! YOU THE MAN!!!!!

  20. Does anyone else think that Sora may have the power to wield the X-Blade if he had a dark side to him? If not then it would be cool for Sora to wield it in KH3 and is able to keep it
  21. Ami I missed you so much, I hope you were safe without me. I always do protect you in your heart. I am always with you to protect you and I am always here to talk to you when you need some help or advice sometimes. My day's without you were so very lonely and I want you back so very, very, very, very, very, very, much!!!! Please talk to me when you come back or when you are online available to talk to me. :) *Hugs you really tight* I wish to see you soon Ami!!!...

  22. Ami I missed you so much, I hope you were safe without me. I always do protect you in your heart. I am always with you to protect you and I am always here to talk to you when you need some help or advice sometimes. My day's without you were so very lonely and I want you back so very, very, very, very, very, very, much!!!! Please talk to me when you come back or when you are online available to talk to me. :) *Hugs you really tight* I wish to see you soon Ami!!!...

  23. Greetings Users, I am a Program!!! I am Anon

  24. Alright Today is the first game for my team to play in Finals! ShadowRoxas123, thankks for the pep talk yesterday I will do it, I will come off with another win!!!

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