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Robert Richard Romero

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Everything posted by Robert Richard Romero

  1. I am sick with a stomach ache again. So how is everyone at school or if your on vacation, how's it hanging?

  2. Not even at the lake yet. Still traveling in car. How is everyone doing?

  3. I've got 2 Likes now this calls for a celebration!!!!

    1. theultimatesorafan



    2. Yang
    3. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      I have 500 more likes to go yeah!!!

  5. Hey Man Whats up, I feel sorry for you. You have to go back to school sucks

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Yeah I know, school sucks. But I'll still try my very best to be online here every day. :)

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      I still go online here and do homework I can focus on many things.

  6. Hey you remember me right?

    1. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Oh I like your profile picture

    2. KingdomKatherine


      thanks! I'l go on chat now

    3. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Sorry I wasnt on I was doing something nice of you to try and talk to me though. :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. Who wishes that they still had some summer or vacation time more?

  8. Got stung by a bee on the shoulder. For many years of being stung free, Now the bee's are attracted to me? Just kidding!! xD

  9. Had a great time today, I danced, partied, and DJ'd at my Family Reunion

    1. Kirie


      That's great!

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Yeah such a great time

  10. Someone please help me!!! I need to get out of Mexico and go back home, I can't stand it here anymore

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KairiGolden13
    3. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Oh yeah it's cool it's like a human death trap here. People's driving sucks. There is no English shows and most important i have to share the weeks with my cousins and uncles

    4. axellover01


      I agree with Koko. and feel bad for you at the same time.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Good Bye All I am not going to be here maybe for a long time if I get internet but I am not going to be here for 2 weeks. I'll miss you guys so much and I hope you all are safe. Good Bye

  12. My sister tricks me yesterday this is the story.She says we were going to pick a friend up at his job, but when we finally get there we turn out to be in Irvine to watch the Big Time Rush concert. I was so surprised and so happy to see them again.

  13. Finished three chapters of my new book. This will be my best yet

  14. Finished two chapters of my new book. Just many more to go.

  15. *gives roses to you* Hey sorry I left but basketball has been busy since our losses are getting out of hand and we won like 4 games. I promise I will be here for you.

    1. *Rikku*


      okay *waves hand* do ur best on ur matches good luck buddy

    2. Robert Richard Romero

      Robert Richard Romero

      Hey Roxy, Its practice not games just practice. Oh and Hi Roxy *waves hand*

  16. Good Night Everyone and may success come to your life as it has to mine. From now on, I am dedicated to my 6 Rings of Success

  17. Man that was awesome. It was so cool. But it needs a little more audio corrections. Hahaha JK!!!
  18. Hi Ami/Inori *waves at you*

  19. Picked this profile picture because it shows 4 things 1.) I won championships 2.) I love Basketball 3.) I never lose the passion for the game 4.) I look up to and want to be like Michael Jordan

    1. Xion's Husband

      Xion's Husband

      Thats so weird I love basketball too and I also like the Oklahoma City Thunder, That and because I Live in OKC!!!


  21. Favorite Battle in KH2: Xemnas Final Boss Favorite Song: Timeless River Favorite Moment: Trying to lvl up to lvl 66 and beating Sephiroth just so I wouldn't die a lot in the game and getting the second or first best keyblade of Kingdom Hearts 2. And my second favorite was getting the Ultima Weapon but realizing its to late because I was a lvl 99 by now. HAHAHA Kingdom Hearts is the best game ver because it has Disney, I love the graphics and design of the game, I love how they twist the Disney Movies and put Sora in the stages/movies. Also if there was no Kingdom Hearts game then I wouldnt be here and we wouldnt be able to talk about the most awesomest games in the world!!!! Kingdom Hearts IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hey Ami I love and miss you. I wonder about you Ami and Hoping we can talk. I'll miss you Good Night Ami and Well Maybe Good Morning Ami. Love you Buddy. *hugs you tight*

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