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Everything posted by FFxChainlessSoulxKH

  1. "We should make sure that we are careful. They will have mages scouring the area if I know this place well." Katsuro held onto his arm. The pain slightly can back. He had an idea of what they were going to do to Allen. "We hav to make haste, we don't know how much longer we hav before something bad happens. He looked over around the entrance. He could recognize som of the mages around there. Katsuro hated being back here but he had to stop them an help everyone he could...especially Allen. Katsuro moved slightly closer. "We should knock out as many as we can before we get in. Don't want anyone to know we are here."
  2. Zack hopped onto the helicopter. "Man, I am so excited for this!" He sat on the helicopters seat and twiddled his thumbs like a small child that couldn't sit still.
  3. "No arguement there Cloud." Zack pushed Sephiroth off. He backed away with Cloud. "Come on!" Sephiroth held a hand out to stop Kadaj from following. "Let's leave them...we have more important matters. Like finding the leader of this place."
  4. "Seems everyone has something to do" Rude said. Zack went over to where Angeal told him to meet. "Angeal I am ready lets get this show on the road."
  5. Zack rubbed his head. "Alright then." Zack went over to his pod and gathered whatever he thought he would need. "I can't wait for this mission. I wonder if it was dubbed First class?" Zack thought for a moment. "This sounds exciting!"
  6. Rude returned back to the SOLDIERS floor after his mission to meet up with Reno with Rai and Xaster. "Humph, better late than never as always Reno?" Rude said fixing his glasses (Aziz, Zack is waiting for Angeal's reply)
  7. "Cloud?" Zack started to have slight concern, what happened to his friend while he was gone? "But Zack, you don't have to be like Cloud. You can just join us and accept mother." "Why would I do what made you crazy and kill everyone?!" "Because we will destroy this planet, after all the insignificant Cetra ruined our plans last time, but now she is gone." "She?" "That's right...Aerith was it?" "What happened to her?!" Sephiroth grinned evilly.
  8. Rude ran over to the Griffin and punched it in its side. The Griffin screamed.
  9. "Lets finish them" Rude had his fists ready as a blood hound jumped at him. He punched the thing right in its mouth.
  10. Zack went over to his room quickly and grabbed all he thought he would need. Then he went out and met Angeal, "Alright what are we doing Angeal?" Th coptor lowered down on the ground. Rude jumped out and tightened his gloves. "This get this mission started" He said in a low voice.
  11. Rude fixed his glasses. He looked below at the ground. Zack got up. "Oh no! Guess I better hurry up." Zack pulled out his sword and aimed at th monster. It glared at him with fury. Zack jumped up into the air and slashed at it, but it countered with it's giant hammer. Zack was pushed back, "Tough guy huh?" Zack slid under th monster and slashed his back. The monster screamed an fell. Zack wiped his forehead. "Yeah mission complete!"
  12. "We have some of the Bomb susceptible, blood hounds. I think I have read in the report about a Griffen being spotted"
  13. Sephiroth's smile faded as Zack insulted Mother. "You are a fool" "Come on Sephiroth what happened to you, you were never like this. You were SOLDIER." "No, I am a monster, why should I let a little toy like you convince me of my doing?" "Because we were partners Sephiroth." "You never change...Zack." Sephiroth slashed at Zack pushing him back. Zack held the buster sword up but Sephiroth clashed with him. "Once you see through mothers eyes...you will understand. If only Cloud understood." "What?!" Zack moved back. "What happened?!" "Hehe, why don't you ask him." "Sephiroth!" Zack held his sword up and attacked.
  14. Zack was only a few feet from the infantry men. Some Wutai soldiers had them in binds. "Dang, gues I hav to be careful because of the hostages." Zack grabbed his sword and jumped at the Wutai slashing them down. One of the Wutai had its gun pointed at Zack, Zack dodged and struck him down too. He went over to the infantrymen and untied there bonds. "Alright, the director is waiting down there for you" They nodded and left. Zack was about to leave too until a giant Wutai monster came along.
  15. Rude signaled for the coptor to fly once he jumped in.
  16. Rude pulled out hs phone and called one of the helicopter pilots to palm a trip to Kalm. "Kalm huh?" " Monsters" "Makes sense, alright I will be waiting" Rude put his phone back. "We have our ride." Zack encountered some Wutai warriors and defeated them with his sword. "Let's see, how long before we arrive at the location Lazard?" "Atleast 100 meters" "Yeah, I can make this in 10 minutes tops."
  17. Rude nodded at the assignment he was given. "Shall we go then?" Rude said pushing his glasses up a little
  18. The place where Zack was, it was looked like e was somewhere in Wutai country. "Alright then, protect the director, do the errand. Heh, this will be easy." Zack gave a cocky smile and the simulation Lazard met up with him. "Alright then Zack, our errand it to get to look for some of our infantrymen that lost contact with us...can you handle it?" "Of course, I could do this with my eyes closed." "I was shown the report, Vincent can handle this mission. But yet, it's intriguing no? Anyways...I have to wait for my call"
  19. "Yeah, let's get this going! I am all fired up!" Zack ran inside the training room. He grabbed the glasses that h needed for the simulation. "Alright, what is my mission today?" "Xaster...do you know about the Ancient?" Rude asked Xaster
  20. Rude looked at both Xaster and Sterling. "Tseng requested me to join, since I have no assignment."
  21. Zack was running down th halls of the SOLDIER flirt. Angeal will kill him for being late again. This was the second time this week. Zack halted when he was at the training room door. "No I forgot my sword! Dang it!" Zack ran back to his slightly messy room and searched for his sword. He foun it and gave out a smile. He ran back to the training room. He stopped to see Angeal sitting by himself. "What are you doing Angeal? Aren't we training today?" Rude was on the 59th floor examining some of the specimens Hojo kept talking about. He was requested to to look at these, and since Reno was off doing who knows what Rude had time to himself. Hojo was being gracious today which was a shocker. But the professor had other matters to attend to. Rude's phone rang as he got a call. "Yes..." "Rude of the Turks?" "Speaking..." "I wish for you to go to Lazard's room." "Of course." Rude walked to the elevator and went to the SOLDIER Floor. In Lazards room he saw three others, Rude ignored th presence and stood by Lazard.
  22. CHARACTER SHEET- Name: Zack Fair Age: 23 Home town: gongaga Weapon: SOLDIER sword Appearance: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=mog&hl=en&gl=us&client=safari&tab=wi&q=zack%20fair&sa=N&biw=320&bih=356#i=4 Bio: A guy who dreams of being a hero on day. He lived in Gongaga until he was 16 and he went to Midgar to work in SOLDIER. His mentor is Angeal. Group: Shinra. Name: Rude Age: 24 Home town: Midgar Weapon: Fists Appearance: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=mog&hl=en&gl=us&client=safari&tab=wi&q=rude%20ff7&sa=N&biw=320&bih=357#i=0 Bio: Rude is a silent man who works beside his long time partner Reno. He usually never does any talking, he lets Reno do most of it. His may be Quiet and calm but he can use his fists pretty well. Group: Shinra (Turks) Mako
  23. Alex saw Ansems power vanish away. He smiled at his success, "I did it...I..." Alex collapsed in the ground all of his energy left him.
  24. "You said it Cloud! You take him I will take Sephiroth." Zack ran up to Sephiroth and swung his buster sword to clash with Sephiroth's Masume. "Humph...you have lost your touch SOLDIER." "Says you!" Zack brought his sword up and took another swing only to be dodged. Sephiroth floated slightly to a higher elevation. Zack ran up to his aiming for Sephiroths chest. Sephiroth smirked and swung his sword to make Zack lose his in a quick motion. Zack dived for his and held it at Sephiroth. "If you are going to defeat me you need mothers power." "Well screw her"
  25. "That explains something, but it doesn't matter what happened to us. We won't let you guys do it again." Sephiroth smiled. "You should wish she was Cloud. Then maybe a puppet like yourself would have Something. After all what do you have besides us Cloud." "He has me, I won't let you destroy anything again. I wasn't there before so I have somethings to make up." Zack said with A cocky smile. He grabbed his buster sword's hilt and gel it out pointed at Sephiroth. "Humph, such mindless puppets, wouldn't you say Kadaj?"
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