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Lightning and serah

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About Lightning and serah

  • Birthday 02/04/2001

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  1. i have instagram. if u want to follow my username is penguinninja101

  2. Spending time with my cousins while playing video games on thanksgiving!!!!!

  3. i just starting watching naruto when it started in 2007 or 2002 (also i'm on episode 158, just putting that out there)

  4. i love naruto!!!!

    1. AntonioKHT


      Did you read the recent chapters? It's awesome... Never been so much into the series!

    2. Lightning and serah
  5. i want to go to disney world!!!!!

  6. my cousins boyfriend is so cool and he's 5 (he actually is 20)!!!! xD

  7. I might be going to comic con in new York!!!! xD

  8. I think middle school broke my leg! XO

    1. Kirie
    2. Yang


      Well, didn't your parents tell you to go "break a leg" anyway? /shot

    3. Kirie


      Lol bad parents

  9. I love middle school but then I'll hate it soon. xD

    1. MadnessBomber


      ... Trust me. You'll either love it a lot, or hate it to it's very core. If you avoid idiots, bullies, and jerks, you'll be fine.

    2. Koko


      i hate d it

  10. Chillin with my bud and watching the muppets :)

  11. I hear weird sounds in my house and it's kinda funny BD

    1. kalnet


      Weird sounds? kinda funny? Do tell~

    2. VanitasisKirby


      ^Darn, I was gonna say that >.<

    3. Lightning and serah

      Lightning and serah

      They sound like swirly sounds xD

  12. I can't wait to go to middle school! 8D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ivan


      Take that, multiply it by 10, then throw in a lot of unnecessary friend drama that you think you'll avoid but won't, lots of late night assignments, worrying about getting into a good college, and you think it'll get better the next year but it won't. Oh yeah and you have to take the SAT's, probably more than once if you did bad the first time.

    3. Shana09



      im not looking forward to HS then.

      My MS had so much drama, for no reason.

      It just takes one person to cause drama.


    4. Lightning and serah

      Lightning and serah

      It takes one girl in every class to make drama in my elmantery school. Oh and thanks for the edvice. I don't think MS is going to be easy for me. 8O

  13. Why do I feel likes it vampire day?8O

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