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Everything posted by KingdomKatherine

  1. All those complaints about Kingdom Hearts 3 by now should be catching up to him. ...but when we goes over there, This will be Nomura
  2. Square Enix Nintendo Naughty Dog Game Freak Squaresoft
  3. So many memories of Kingdom Hearts I, II, and CoM, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, ect. All those awesome games...
  4. Pokemon X & Y - Froakie, Chespin, and Fennekin

    1. KingdomKatherine


      oh please! i hated tepig soooo much last generation!

    2. LordOfTheCastle


      hahaha all of the gen 6 starters are kinda tepigs. It's just a frog, a fox, and a beaver xD

    3. KingdomKatherine


      i still want the beaver...

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  5. Pokemon X & Y - Froakie, Chespin, and Fennekin

  6. Since the new year started, Im gonna play all the Kingdom Hearts games in order now.

  7. 358/2 Days I like it when they show all the organization members
  8. I still like the one from Kingdom Hearts II, ya know... cuz he's hotter in that one. But I wouldn't mind another change... as long as its still as boss as KH2
  9. *~~!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR KH13!!!~~*

  10. okay then: be attached to, have a soft spot for, have a liking for, have regard for, think well of, admire, respect, esteem; be attracted to, fancy, find attractive, be keen on, be taken with; be infatuated with, carry a touch for, INFORMAL: be crazy about, have a crush on, have a thing for, have the hots for, dig, take a shine to. ANTONYMS: hate ... ...... CHOSE YOUR PICK!
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