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Kingdom Kate

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About Kingdom Kate

  • Birthday 10/18/1998

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  • Member Title
    Warrior of Light
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  1. Yeah. It shouldn't really bother us TRUE fans. (Though it IS kind of frustrating)
  2. hehehe... I see what you did there you naughty guy you..
  3. Does anyone here live in New Jersey?

  4. I found this really helpful!! Thanx Kingdom!
  5. Only 20 more days of school left... :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. joku760


      my last exam was last week's friday :D last week of school is always just watching movies. or atleast was last year when I was on 7th grade.

    3. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      I'm in Ninth grade of course High School would give everyone exams on the last day xD sometimes High School sucks >.>

    4. joku760


      in our school, 9th graders' second last week is a theme week when they dress in the days theme clothes (if they dare) and bring waterguns (but if teacher sees a watergun, it'll be taken away) and the last week for them is internshiping (I used google translator on that word)on the job they choose. about they're exams I don't know. and yeah, high school sucks indeed.

  6. Hello people of KH13!! And, If my name looks familiar, It's because I'm related to KingdomKatherine. I hope I can make new friends here!
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